Sunday, July 18, 2010

An unconventional life........

I found myself the other day justifying, rationalizing, and explaining the life I choose to live with my children. Later when I had time to reflex back, I realized I don't need to give an excuse or a detailed list to anyone of why I live the way I live. If I am at peace and my children are happy what else matters. I realize it is okay for them to wonder or question but I don't have to fill in the blanks for them just because they ask. If I thought their curiosity was to understand and maybe take away a different view then maybe I would be inclined to share. Living my life is a moment by moment event. When I took on the unconventional life I throw away the rules and decided to go with what feels right. I can take away from this experience the reminder of when I judge another to allow them the freedom to live as they want and I can still love and accept the other person because I am content with what I have chosen and I don't need their stamp of approval for me to be okay.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Are you suffering.....

from the belief that you must suffer to be happy?

Here are some tell-tale signs:

*You subscribe to the belief of "no pain, no gain"
*You believe there is no such thing as a free lunch-everything costs
*No one is harder on you than you are
*Comfort, wealth and luxury make you feel uneasy and guilty
*Life's a bitch and then you die. Ain't that the truth.
*Too much comfort cause too much guilt
*You like to strive, but to thrive would increase the guilt factor too much
*You are always fighting and struggling against someone or something

Taking from the book: "Happiness Now" by Robert Holden

In my life it was never spoken about or acknowledged but suffering was part of my existence. I was not fully conscious of that choice and the choices I made because of that unwritten rule. I love the story of two people sharing their tale of woe as the other tries to "out do" the suffering of the others story, ending in someone saying "You Win". This reminds me it's not a contest, you don't win a prize or it doesn't make you a better person. The most helpful response to suffering is to use suffering as a chance to hit the re-set button in life and commit once again to what it truly important and makes me happy.

To be happy, you must value joy more than pain....