Monday, March 28, 2011

A few Haiku's

A seed is planted
Forest of diversity
Mother Natures pleased

Car and Nature collide
Leaving a lifeless body
May you rest in peace

Trees dressed in blossoms
Spring dancing all around us
Summers on her way

They serenades me
The owl, the woodpecker, the hawk
All while hanging laundry

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's been a while...

I've spent the last couple of months trying to find a new balance in my life. Can't say I've accomplished that and I've missed writing on my blog, so instead of waiting for the perfect moment to come along I'm going with the way life is in this present moment. Going back to school has been a challenge trying to fit it into my life with all the wants and needs of the family. I'm working on the concept of "Good Enough". I can't be everything to everyone, I can't get everything done as a single parent and what I am and what I do is "good enough". Even in my school work there comes a time when what I'm working on is got to be "good enough. The tests I take, the grade's I get are "good enough". At the end of the day none of these things define me and the bottom line is about LOVE. Did I love myself, did I love others, did I refrain from judging myself and others? Was there joy in my day? I am.... "Good Enough" just because I am.