Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve...

Special occasion banner saying, 'Happy New Year'

Wishing all my earthly companions who walk this journey with me a...


I am declaring this year to be the year that I believe in ME...
The year that I walk in the present moment hand in hand with the unknown...

Love is Welcome Here!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Reflecting on my day yesterday I can't but smile. Because no matter what life offers me I am not traveling it alone. I am hugged and serenaded with kind words, and even a laugh or two is good for the soul. I have not conquered some of my biggest fears but it's okay because "You" help me see that it's okay and with each experience I gain, I become stronger and carry a knowing that I never walk this earth without your presence to lift me to a higher place. My gratitude is overflowing and I thank each one of you for your special place in my life. You have opened windows in my "being" that offer me the opportunity to see the present moment around me in a new light and bask in the love that shines forth.

Monday, December 5, 2011


The evergreen sits
waiting for decoration
while sharing her scent

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Our lives are ruled by stories, the stories we tell ourselves. What if it were true that you already had everything you needed to pursue and achieve your dreams and that the journey wasn't about becoming more, but becoming aware and tapped into the wholeness that you already are?

(borrowed words from " TheDailyLove" Website)

What if this were true...