The only thing we have to fear is fear itself... --Franklin D. Rossevelt
(One ) definition of tame is : make wild and frightening people, animals or things calm and gentle.
I find myself running into fear on a moment by moment basis. It twists my thoughts and distorts my view but I have to "tame"the fear or it will devour me. I do not want to scare it or wish it didn't exist, I only want to tame it - allow it's presents in my life but let it know who is in charge. I am in charge - of my life, my thoughts, my desires, my dreams. It is an ongoing battle but one I have to be present for in each moment because it has a way of sneaking up and surprises me when I least expect it and I have to be ready to challenge its statements. It tells me give up, your to old, etc. and each time I have to ask - is it true? If the answer is no then I replace it with a true statement. But fear is meant to alert us and sometimes that answer to the statement is yes and I then walk away or try a different choice.
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