Saturday, November 12, 2011


Talking with someone this morning got me to thinking about how we define words and events in our lives. We were discussing our interpretation of being an "adventurous" person. I "Googled" the word - Adventure - is defined as an exciting or unusual experience, it may also be bold, usually risky undertaking with an uncertain outcome. So for me that would mean: EVERYDAY!

My everyday I consider- bold and usually risky with an uncertain outcome!
When I drive somewhere that I don't know, for me - THAT is bold and risky ( another story for another day).
Raising my children has/had to be the ultimate bold and risky with uncertain outcome that I can think of.
But then there is:
Meeting someone new, trying a different food, writing on this blog, being true to myself, playing big instead of small, being open to love, starting a project for my house, allowing me to be enough, leaving my hair gray, planting something new in my garden, sharing myself with another, saying okay to something when I have no idea, asking for help, cooking for others.

These things are not your typical "adventure" ideas but for my life they are. I could go on an on because just living life is always bold, risky and guaranteed an uncertain outcome. Sometimes I like that and sometimes I don't. Remembering that I am not alone on this journey is something I have to keep reminding myself and than I know "ALL IS WELL" no matter what the uncertain outcome is.

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