Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Witness to creativity.....

Everyday life offers endless possibilities and there is enough for everyone.

I am in AWE of what a mind can do when given the space to roam free. My two youngest children have had the gift of creative freedom. Their days are filled with open space on which to explore and experiment. They are not govern by rules of what creativity should look like. My job has been to move and arrange their lives so when the muse flows there is an avenue to follow where it needs to go. I am a witness to what trust can develop into. Trusting in my children to fail and succeed as they play with life, as I stand beside them offering a safe place for them to be. Each day my children remind me to play more and to set myself free.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

exercising my JOY

I wake this morning to thoughts that were unpleasant and not constructive to be thinking. If not controlled or contained they are like an avalanche that picks up speed and only ends in disaster. I realized the muscle of joy and good thoughts has to be continually used to grow stronger and more prominent in my life. In ever present moment there is available either joy or unhappiness. I can choose! It has to be a conscious effort, to remain in the moment and exercise the muscle of positive thinking. Each present moment give me another opportunity to practice and decide what it is that I want in and for my life. I decide.......... I want JOY !