Do you use your college degree now; if you could do it over again would you attend college?
I can only answer this with the wisdom of hind site except the part of "do I use my college degree," and that answer would be no. If I know what I know now I would not attend college and I would set my creative spirit free, the one that I let myself and others keep locked up, imprisoned with all the rules, advise and pursuit of perfection. Going to college did one thing, it gave me the confidence that I did have the ability to learn ~ a feeling I lacked in grade school when I was told that I had a learning problem and was put in the "special class" with only a handful of other students. Everyone that walked by the room knew who was in there! And my mother never missed a chance to share this information. I do believe college is suited for some and some people it is not. I don't regret it, because like all past decisions, you can't change them, so I took what I liked from the experience and left the rest.
This is a cooperative blog that a friend and I are participating in together, so check out what she has to say about this question from her perspective
speaking of "creative spirit", I was wondering if you wanted to do a "cooperative art journal" project with me? Message me...Love you!