Earlier this year I wrote a post about an experience I had with a family of deer and today, I again had an experience with a family of deer. This morning I went to someones house to walk their dog and when I pulled up to the top of the driveway there to my right was a family of deer. A mother, father and three children. One of the baby deer had a hurt leg. But none of them ran and I continued down the driveway really slow then got out of the car and just quietly talked with them. It seemed like forever but I'm sure it was only a few minutes, then they all just wandered off, but the mother deer keep watch and I felt we connected mother to mother as I wished her healing for her child who was hurt. I know this may sound crazy but I'm always looking up the meaning of animals that find there way into my life. This past year I had a family of tree frogs living outside of my house. In the twenty two years I've been here, I've never had tree frogs visit, much less stay. Just yesterday I was taking a moment to read a book I'm trying to finish and a squirrel jumped on the table outside my window and just hung out for awhile to chat.
Here is some of what I found when I looked up the meaning of seeing deer...
By observing the ways in which deer behave, it is possible to see what
amazing qualities - or powers - they possess. From the deer we can learn
that the gift of gentleness and caring can help us overcome and put aside
many testing situations. Only love, both for ourselves and for others, helps
us understand the true meaning of wholeness.
If a deer crosses your path, this may show you that you are a very compassionate, gentle and loving person. If you don't have these qualities, then consider if you have a problem that needs addressing. Are you facing a challenge in your life, whether with a fellow human being or a delicate situation? If you are feeling negative emotions such as anger, try letting go. Think about whether a gentler and more loving approach can sort the issue out. It may be necessary to speak the truth, this is best done with kindness and from the heart, this will generally give a better result.
Deer teaches us how powerful it is to be of gentle demeanor, to exert keen observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it comprises. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this power animal how to open their hearts and love unconditionally.
If a deer crosses your path, this may show you that you are a very compassionate, gentle and loving person. If you don't have these qualities, then consider if you have a problem that needs addressing. Are you facing a challenge in your life, whether with a fellow human being or a delicate situation? If you are feeling negative emotions such as anger, try letting go. Think about whether a gentler and more loving approach can sort the issue out. It may be necessary to speak the truth, this is best done with kindness and from the heart, this will generally give a better result.
Deer teaches us how powerful it is to be of gentle demeanor, to exert keen observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it comprises. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this power animal how to open their hearts and love unconditionally.
Deer has entered your life to help you walk the path of love with full consciousness and awareness, to know that love sometimes requires caring and protection, not only in how we love others, but also in how we love ourselves.
Deer teaches us to be gentle, to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are in our lives. Don't push people to change, rather gently nudge them in right direction, with the love that comes from deer. Love and accept people as they are. The balance of true power lays in love and compassion.
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