Sunday, December 14, 2014


Living far away from those you enjoy spending time with can sometimes be a challenge to stay connected. One of my dear friends is always coming up with really neat ideas to continue to reconnect with each other. The last thing we did since we both are bloggers, is to participate in a cooperative blog. We each came up with a set of topics, then we decided how often we wanted to blog together, then she put it on the calendar as reminders. That was fun because it gave me things to think about that I might other wise not. And I enjoyed sharing her perspective on the subjects too. Now her newest idea is to do a cooperative art journal ( we have done our own as well and she even hand made this one for me) and exchange them periodically either in person if we are so lucky to get together or by mail.Then we would add something to the others journal and exchange again until it is full. But I found myself, as it always has been, intimidated by the blank page and the ideas of what I want to do with it. But with this awareness I am trying to let that go and just "flow" with the process. So I find myself a tiny bit excited to watch it all unfold.

1 comment:

  1. You can leave it blank and I can be the one to start in the journal. I am not afraid of the blank page. :-)
