Sunday, November 29, 2009


When Princess Diana died "they" said she never realized the magnitude of how much she was admired and loved.
In this present moment, I can see and feel the embodiment of love for myself and my children. I need to take a step back and allow it to flow, to bow in humble apprecitation and stand in "awe" of its presents. It is all around me, in each moment of my day. Gratitude over flows. My hope is that others can feel the vibration of MY love.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


When words ~ keep you from feeling good ~ use them as firewood
(Train - Save Me, San Francisco)

Words are powerful. They are letters strung together with the ability to enlighten or be harmful. I have allowed words to drop out of my mouth with no thought of how they would affect another. Or times I have been aware and chose to say them anyway. Sometimes no words can be even more harmful. You have nothing to filter but your own thoughts, nothing to work out. There are times it is good to let the words flow. To see what it is I'm feeling. I have surprised myself before with random words that I have said. I didn't realize I felt a certain way until I heard the words said out loud. Maybe that is why releasing my writing out into the world is hard. It is revealing, intimate and about me. Even fiction are words of my choosing and when you send them out into the world you are letting go. This blog is a small attempt to let my words float freely with no judgement and no guarentees. And when I keep my words in the present moment they are lighter, more loving, and free.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A moment to PAUSE

STOP - I close my eyes, breath deeply and PAUSE........

My mind can spin with "to do's", "shoulds" (they say don't should all over yourself), and "have tos", which can sometimes cloud my view of all that is good and right in my world. When I pause and look around I see the love and joy life has to offer me. I don't have to reach far, travel great distances or make something up. I just pause and it's all there - always was! It was only my interpretation that had changed. I am grateful for the present moment that allows me another chance to see clearly all that surrounds me. To embrace it, and breath.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

An Attitude of Gratitude

"They" say.... A miracle is only a shift in perspective. Today I am choosing to shift my thoughts to gratitude.

I am grateful for:

Myself- learning to love myself and celebrating being me
My children- may their gifts add light and love to the world
My home- a safe and loving place to be
My friends and family- their acceptance and joy is the food that sustains me
Our cats- it's a love that keeps on giving
Sunshine, good food, a car, random kindness, peace, a good nights sleep, and HOPE!