Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Dumbledore Quote.....

"It is our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

In the past, "my abilities" seemed to equate with my value as a person and how much someone would love me. I am learning in this school called life that if I want to do something for someone or not, it does not change who I am as a human being or how much I deserved to be loved. Practising being present, brings awareness to the choices I make everyday, and reminds me they don't need a price tag on them. I can also see when I make choices more consciously the more authentic they become and that always feels right.

Monday, January 18, 2010

A welcoming breeze......

I am beginning to feel a "welcoming breeze" flowing across my life. A time to step back and be present. A time to allow good things to come, and embrace the gifts.

A beautiful friend gave my son a computer, a man knocked on my door and I will soon have a free roof and I wait in gratitude as the universe brings my hearts desire. I don't know where they come from and it is not for me to wonder - only to sit in expectancy with a thankful heart. I believe in the circle of life, and we are all connected. I love giving! Recently I gave time to my son David. We came up with a new and exciting lunch he had never tried before ( our own chicken patty sandwich -YUM), I took a ready made dinner to a friend and just yesterday I offered a cough drop to a stranger that didn't seem to be able to stop coughing.
It's like when you go to the ocean and walk down to the waters edge, close your eyes and the gentle breeze caresses you. You can't help but smile...........

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Each moment gives me another opportunity to be present and aware of what choices I am making. I have been trying to make a effort each morning to choose to do the things that I value in my life for me, first. I wake up, feed the animals, drink my glass of water, do my yoga (I feel a differences in my stiff bones), choose a healthy breakfast and sit down to work on my writing (even if only for 5 or 10 minutes). Then I will check my email/ facebook and allow myself to play some games that I enjoy. Sounds so simple but each morning I have to make a conscious effort or else I will be off doing whatever it is that takes my time and leaves me feeling bad at the end of the day that I didn't do what I felt was important to me. So far so good - one moment at a time!

Monday, January 4, 2010

My present moment intention.......

We must do as the flower does. The flower is aware of the fact that it contains everything within it, and it does not try to become something else.