"The presence of fear is a sure sign you're trusting in your own strength."
This week I had plumbing issues at my house. At first I was mad at myself because I knew better then to put food down the garbage disposal because it has clogged up before. But I did it anyway and wa-la..... CLOGGED drain. Fear came and went. I thought I can do this, I can manage this problem, it's happened before. Then as nothing was working fear come back, oh no what am I going to do know. Is it a problem bad enough to call the plumber, do I know anyone who would know anything about plumbing and do I have the nerve to ask them, what should I do. Then the fear would subside and I would try again... nothing. I decided to go to bed visualize and let go and as I did, the universe provided an answer. A friend of a friend offered to come help. AWESOME!!! I was thrilled and went to the sink once more to give it one last plunge and that did the trick. But I now know that my "presence of fear was a sure sign I was trusting on my own strength" to figure it out. That is a big lesson I am learning on this journey of life, I don't have to "do it all myself", and that is feeling really good right now.