Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let Yourself be Brand New In Every Moment!

This title came from a website that I follow called

I just loved the thought of thinking of myself brand new every moment. Even if I could wake each day and think yesterday is over and I am brand new today. It's kind of a freeing idea to imagine that the "slate" is wiped clean and I am really brand new. And the funny part is I really always have been, because no one is keeping score but ME!! Just a good reminder... Thank you -self!

Monday, November 28, 2011


It's good to be home.
When I am away on a trip or even away for a whole day I always look forward to coming home. It wasn't always like that, but now my home is a warm and welcoming place. A home that is filled with love and a safe place to "be". I love being able to have someone drop by and feel the freedom to entertain people knowing that it's more then a house, it's a home where memories are made. This house for two of my children has been the only home they have known. It's not perfect but neither are we. I try to live by a saying a dear friend said to me once... "If you want to come visit me feel free to stop by, if you want to see my house let me know two weeks ahead of time". This helps me keep the focus on what is important - my friendships and not if everything is in perfect order or in the condition I would like.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Change is Beautiful...

As I was driving down the highway yesterday, I noticed the tree's changing from fall to winter. I have learned over the last few years to really love the bare trees and to enjoy the change. While looking at the trees I realize they tell me, "one thing is for sure - change happens, but that doesn't mean it is a bad thing, Change can be BEAUTIFUL". I guess it's all the way you look at it. I have always allowed "change" in my life to be a scary, dreaded, unwelcome process. But little by little I'm finding the unknown that change brings more of a welcoming place to be. A place that I allow myself to "just be" and it's okay, because I know I am not alone on this journey and I am loving myself more each day. And with that, I know - ALL IS WELL...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


A faint rustling
Dew waits for the raising sun
The morning whispers

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Talking with someone this morning got me to thinking about how we define words and events in our lives. We were discussing our interpretation of being an "adventurous" person. I "Googled" the word - Adventure - is defined as an exciting or unusual experience, it may also be bold, usually risky undertaking with an uncertain outcome. So for me that would mean: EVERYDAY!

My everyday I consider- bold and usually risky with an uncertain outcome!
When I drive somewhere that I don't know, for me - THAT is bold and risky ( another story for another day).
Raising my children has/had to be the ultimate bold and risky with uncertain outcome that I can think of.
But then there is:
Meeting someone new, trying a different food, writing on this blog, being true to myself, playing big instead of small, being open to love, starting a project for my house, allowing me to be enough, leaving my hair gray, planting something new in my garden, sharing myself with another, saying okay to something when I have no idea, asking for help, cooking for others.

These things are not your typical "adventure" ideas but for my life they are. I could go on an on because just living life is always bold, risky and guaranteed an uncertain outcome. Sometimes I like that and sometimes I don't. Remembering that I am not alone on this journey is something I have to keep reminding myself and than I know "ALL IS WELL" no matter what the uncertain outcome is.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Letting Go...

Sometimes I find reading other peoples words comforting and food for my soul. The words below are borrowed and I am nurtured by them.


We have within us a deep longing to grow and become a new creature, but we possess an equally strong compulsion to remain the same-to burrow down in our safe, secure places.

Letting go isn't one step but many. It's a winding, spiraling process that happens on deep levels.
Clinging creates a shrinking within the soul, a shrinking of possibility and growth.

Night empties us of our clinging. We're called to let go even our letting go. We need to quit forcing things and enter the darkness of true liberty, where we give up self-efforts and allow- and draw us to our moment of readiness.

When it comes to letting go, we have to arrive at a moment of genuine readiness.

We are offered the experiences, events and encounters that help us find the courage to open ourselves with gentleness.

It takes courage to become who you are.

The fruit of letting go is birth.

It was the beginning of leaving behind the first half of my life and those ways of living it that no longer worked.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Almost missed...

A tree outside my back door is in full color and it happened when I wasn't looking. I had a busy couple of weeks and didn't really get outside. When I finally did I was welcomed with this magnificent tree. The photo doesn't express the magnitude of it's beauty and because it is so close it really is a show stopper. But it was a good reminder of what happens when I'm not present even in the busy moments of my life. I have lived in my house for twenty years and look forward to the fall color display every year. This year I almost missed it... Whew