Sunday, February 15, 2015


When I was a young girl my mother taught me to sew and I loved it. I use to make some of my own clothes and even made myself a bathing suit once. And when I became a mother I made Halloween costumes every year, a prom dress and some of their everyday clothes. And there was always the many crafts to be sewn that I loved creating too. Then a few years ago I started sewing for a lady as a job and I did it for about eight years. It sucked the fun out of my sewing and since I've stopped working for her I've had a really hard time getting myself back to the sewing machine. It just sits there with endless projects in front of it and a longing. But I want to find that love again for sewing. Like everything else... one stitch at a time... one project at a time... the love will return!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The View...

The view... what a great way to start and end a day! Thank you, friend, for the view!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Empty Nest...

I am not sure if I will ever have an empty nest and that is okay with me either way.  And soon I will have my first granddaughter and I can't wait for her to fill any space I have in my life along with my children anytime they want to. It is nice to have open space to wander around in my life without having to worry about anyone but me sometimes. But I've enjoyed every stage of my children and I really can't imagine even if they decide to not live with me that my nest would ever be empty for long.

Friday, February 6, 2015


 "Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today is breathing."

Some days that's a big accomplishment... just breathe. And sometimes it feels good to know that if that is the only thing I did, It would be okay and that I am enough!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Lot...

 "Little by little, a little becomes A LOT."
Tanzanian Proverb

I try to keep reminding myself of this each day when I have so many things I'm trying to get done and want to do and only so much time in a day. Little by little, each step is progress and when I look back it all adds up to A LOT!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


 The morning rises
The world is still and quiet
The little bird sings

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


 "Live a life of love, honesty, appreciation, kindness, and strength. Sprinkled with a little silliness."

I liked this quote because I always need reminding to add a little sprinkle of silliness to my life!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


This is the yarn I picked for my granddaughter's first blanket. It matched some of the colors they are using in "Sweet Alice's" room. I say "first" because I'm also going to either quilt or applique a blanket for her too. Couldn't decide on one blanket, so why not both! But I'm most excited about beginning the process because it makes it really real. She is going to be here soon and working on the blanket(s) I will be thinking about her and crocheting and quilting with her grandmother's love in every stitch.