Thursday, November 15, 2012


The greatest gift you can ever give another person is your own happiness!

When I saw this photo it made me think about when a seed is planted, you never know if it will germanate and become something magnicent or not. But you do it anyway! As I am continue to work on "being kind" to myself, I'm hoping that the seed I'm planting will grow and provide a stronger foundation of strength and love for myself. I'm finding the more present I am in the moment the easier it is to pause, take a breath and remember ~ to love myself ~ unconditonally...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Deep Questioning

A sign of a good question is that the questioner is more alive for having asked it.

I'm trying to ask the good questions of myself. What is it my heart and soul are beckoning me to do? What is it that brings the most joy each day? How can I better serve the world? Was I kind and loving to myself today? Have I loved, laughed, and lived fully in this present moment?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Deep Speaking

"Speaking deeply has something to do with letting things pass through our heart as they are, the way ink is pressed through silk to imprint a lasting design that we can wear."

I'm trying to think or pause before I speak, but talking with someone or in a group I find it hard not to just spill words without giving them second thought . Then I go home with time to reflect and am left with regret about some of what I felt the need to say that may not have been necessary. It's about progress not perfection. When awareness is present I am able to pause and speak deeply.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Deep Listening

"We can always begin by allowing ourselves to sink into the depth of whatever moment we are in. For depth is ever-present. We don't have to travel to find depth. We simply have to relax our minds onto the ground of where we are, the way roots unravel in the earth after a long, soaking rain."

Deep listening is something I've been working on for a while now. But I had it backwards... I've been trying to deeply listen to others, and not to myself. Somehow it seemed easier to listen to another. There isn't the wondering if what I'm hearing is something I have the courage to do, because it's your story not mine. But since committing to love and honor myself, this is something I must do ~ for me! To love, honor and deeply listen to all parts of myself, even when what I hear, seems frightening. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


 Goals like writing a novel don’t die on their own. We suffocate them with our excuses.

I came across this line in a magazine about writing. How true this is for me!!!! I should write a book called "Endless Excuses" and dedicate it to myself. But keeping with the theme of being kinder to myself, I will pat myself on the back for writing more diligently on my blog. At least I'm writing and thinking about writing and that's a "good thing". Something I can celebrate about myself and not look at what I think I'm NOT doing. I've been enjoying my time everyday, pondering what to say here in this present moment and in this musing space. So until tomorrow ~ Enjoy what makes you happy!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Time Change...

It's that time again ~ seasons change ~ darkness arrives sooner then before.
I've been through 52 years of season changes, and it still takes me awhile to adjust.
The darkness use to be something I dreaded, but now I look forward to the barren tree's and the chance to do some internal and external hibernation.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Death has taken another friend...

My thoughts to ponder during this time of grief...
Death is a great teacher. You have to be willing to look at what it would be like if death was staring you in the face. Let this knowledge help you to live every moment of your life fully, because every moment matters. What is it inside of us that is so afraid that it keeps us from just enjoying life? Be willing to be fully present without being afraid of what will happen in the next moment. Life is not something to waste. It's truly precious. That's why death is such a great teacher. Death is your friend!