Many people have mentioned to me over the years that I see my world in black and white. No room for gray areas, no space for give and take and certainly no allowance for color. This leaves me to ponder where the color is in my life, the various degrees of gray. And if I were a color what would it be.
I started going around the color wheel. It seemed like the logical choice. It gave me the usual, the predicted combinations. I thought about each one. What a certain color represented or if the name of the color was said out loud would it invoke something in me. As I wondered, my mind drifted to being a child. When trees were supposed to be green and brown, the sky blue and the flowers below pink and red, yellow and orange. No questioned were asked. The adult said it was so, and so it was.
Scouting around, I gathered a handful of long forgotten Crayola crayons. Placed a blank sheet of paper in front of me and decided to draw without reservation. To find a time when blank and empty weren't intimidating. When color beckoned and my creativity not held captive by invisible guidelines and unexplainable rules. I drew wildly with colors like unmellow yellow, orchid with twinkling turquoise glitter, cadet blue, wisteria, thistle, vivid tangerine and razzmatazz. WOW!
It was fun, silly and freeing. I said the names of each one as I drew. My mind danced wildly, color flying around the page, a sence of freedom unwilling to be contained. I watched as my fingers fluttered about, filled with delight.
Now with a colorful, playful experience behind me, I went back to my question, If I were a color what would I be? How do I choose? What do I choose? I pick..... Blue. It's simple; it's the sky, the ocean, denim jeans. But then there's green with its dew drop grass, spring's new leaves and the mold grown on neglected cheese. Or pink, all girly and cute, the easter dress, the newly sprouted tulip. There's brown and red, yellow and purple. With much deliberation I have decided to pick WHITE. For it is the essence of all. So with that decision made, pardon me as I go color my world.