Several years ago a friend, my daughter and I went to go see a field of sunflowers. They are one of my favorites! But during the year we went we were having a lot of drought and the fields were not very full or vibrant. Now with the endless rain this year I bet they are beautiful, but I didn't think of it until I saw this picture and it may be to late in the season to go. But it is a very fond memory indeed...
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Present Reminder...
This photo just looks like a nice place to be in the present moment . Lately people have been reminding me how "un-present" I have been. They will ask or tell me about something relating to something that I routinely do or go and I have not even noticed what it was they mentioned. And when they bring it to my attention it is very obvious. But it's just a good reminder for me to bring myself back to this present moment and involve my senses. Ask myself ~ what do I see, smell, hear, taste?
Monday, July 29, 2013
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Sunday Meal...
Sunday has always been one of those days I use to set aside extra time to make that meal, the one that you wouldn't ordinarily make during the week because it's very time consuming. It provides an extra touch to the start of the busy days ahead, as well as making the little "extra's", like banana bread, sweet treats, something different I've been wanting to try, or that special request from one of the kids! I LOVE being in the present moment with all the smells and colors that cooking provides. I LOVE the memories that only food offers.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Poem ~ Hope...
A friend gave me a book of poems called "The World Will Follow Joy" by Alice Walker.
Here is one of the poems that I liked:
Hope to Sin Only in the Service of Waking Up
never to believe
it is your duty
or right
to harm
simply because
you mistakenly believe
they are not you.
to understand
as the hard assignment
even in school
yo wished
to avoid. But
could not.
to be imperfect
in all the ways
that keep you
never to see
not even a blade of grass
that is beyond your joy.
not to be a snob
the very day
shows up
in love's
work clothes
Hope to see
your own skin
in the wood
of your house.
to talk
to trees
& at least
tell them everything
you've always
at the end
to enter
the Unknown
yourself. Forgetting
Hope to be consumed
to disappear
into your own
Hope to know
where you are
if nobody else
that every failure
is an arrow
pointing toward
Hope to sin
in the service
of waking up.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Plastic World...
As I'm trying to eliminate more and more plastic in my life, I'm realizing just how much there is in the world. When I was reading this blog, ( link above ) there was a list of all the plastic she wanted to try to get rid of, and I was overwhelmed with the amount that I don't even pay attention to anymore! An eye opener for sure!!!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Since my children were little they have been picking up random pieces of trash and cleaning up the world one piece at a time. The other day I picked up something I found on the ground and thought wouldn't it be nice if we each picked up one thing when we see it, we would have a cleaner world. Of course it would be nice if there wasn't trash to pick up but since we don't live in a perfect world, lets be kind to mother nature and not look for blame. It only takes each of us one present moment to make a difference...
mother nature,
Croning Ceremony...
Tonight my friends had a Croning Ceremony for me and I couldn't have felt more LOVED. It was very special as each of them shared a part of themselves and just to sit among women honoring each others path in life was humbling. It was really neat as some of our daughters participated. My daughter was very taken with the whole process, to see the support and love that was shared and to witness a celebration that embraces a woman in their new stage in life. A truly amazing experience...
Thank you dear friends, you have given me a beautiful gift.
~ Namaste ~
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
TV show...
I've never been a big TV watcher but there are certain shows that I really look forward to and love when they bring them back like " Who's Line Is It Anyway " I think the show is so funny ~ ENJOY!
Monday, July 22, 2013
A single seed...
A single idea like a single seed, needs to be planted and fertilized. You water it, keep the weeds out and with patience you will have a harvest. But big ideas, like big gardens need help to keep up. I had a friend today help me spread my single idea around and she shared with me her idea. In time, with each others help, these seeds will produce a beautiful bounty to share with others.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I've always thought there are too many books in the world and not enough time to read them all. But for quite awhile now I just have not been able to allow myself that space to "sit down and read." At the library yesterday I picked up two more books and my hope is to "enjoy" the escape and read! Not sure that will happen since I have several books sitting by my bedside that I've have half finished. I use to relish the night time, crawling into bed and getting my book, but lately I find myself watching TV that I don't even care about and never picking up the book.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Every time I go out in my back yard, I come back in with nothing but discouragement. My garden and plants (lavender, rosemary etc.) are all about dead. My neighbor who just moved out had a landscaper come in and spray chemicals all over his side of the fence trying to make it look better for the new owner ( there was a lot of over grown ivy he was trying to get rid of). My garden and plants were backed up against his fence and with all this endless rain we've had, the chemicals washed down and left all my hard work in a pile of useless mess. And I can't ever have my garden there again because the chemicals are in the dirt. I just want to give up! I really really miss my garden harvest. Maybe I can try to look at it as not defeated but just a challenge to figure out. I can start container gardening?
Friday, July 19, 2013
Too Busy...
I'm still learning - when I get too busy - to take a transition time and pause... Because when I don't, I do things like burn my son's pizza I made him tonight. Not happy with myself but also a good reminder to take that time. So I went to the store and bought a pizza. All is well and I can be in this present moment, love myself and start over again.
present moment,
Thursday, July 18, 2013

"Every Artist is a Thief"
I believe everyone is an artist. The word "artist" has a lot of preconceived ideas locked behind it and keeps people from claiming that title. No matter what you are doing, it can be done with great creativity. One of the biggest things is finding that inspiration. Julia Cameron is famous for her, what she calls "Artist Dates" There is enough for everyone, and inspiration is everywhere ~ let yourself explore. Julia Cameron says "Artist dates are assigned play." I am guilty of not allowing myself more "time to play and get inspired" but with awareness comes change!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
For years, I've seen hawks fly over head. Sometimes one or two, other times a whole group. I'm not sure if other people see them as much as I do but I always wonder what or if they mean anything. So I looked it up and found this idea... Attention, Vision, Power, Energy, Leadership and Intensity. I feel like I'm in the beginning stages of all these! I love hawks whether they symbolize anything or not I will continue to look upward, if for nothing else, pay honor to their awesome existence.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
On the side of my driveway is a BIG butterfly bush. I got it many many many years ago and it was just a small twig. Now it's hard to keep it contained, but it's so beautiful, and the butterflies love it. It's funny because it seems about every other year I see a swarm of butterflies on the bush and the next not much. This year is loaded with them and I enjoy visiting with them every time I go out to my car, I stop to pause and take in that awesome present moment!
Monday, July 15, 2013
"You don't need permission, but you do need to be brave and determined."
When I feel like I need permission from "the world" or "others" before I can really jump in and achieve something, "their" approval leaves me not having to think for myself or stand up and believe in what I'm doing - "they approve" - nothing else needed. But since I'm not asking permission, I need to be brave and determined. I whole heartedly believe in my mission of restoring our children's health and well being ~ starting with the food we feed our children
Sunday, July 14, 2013
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results"
So today I am going to try something different and email a couple of friends everyday with my goals for the day. They are each sent and received without judgement. Not that this is the magic cure for my procrastination or distractibility but it is something I haven't tried before so in time, we will see what the results are. Thanks for the suggestion my friend!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Present Moment...
Whatever that present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.
Eckhart Tolle
This quote is a good reminder for me to not "resist" and to let life happen. I always need another reminder to be present and allow. I get caught up in all the "stuff" and find myself swimming up stream. When I let go I can float down easily.
Decided I needed to bring in my own sunshine since we have had thirteen days straight of rain. I'm feeling a bit waterlogged! Makes me realize that I have taken the sun for granted, that it will always shine. So I'm sorry "Sun" for not appreciating your warmth and beauty. Looking forward to your return upon my face.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
"A friend is someone who understands you past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are."
The past couple of days I've been in the company of friends ~ true friends! They support and accept me, and leave me feeling fully loved! It is a real treasure to have people in your life that you can laugh with, share your heart aches and just enjoy being there for each other in the present moment.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
I've seen two rainbows in the last couple of weeks. They are so beautiful to see, like a sweet surprise in the sky.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Blame Free...
"A Blame Free World"
As I was listening to a book on tape in the car she was talking about a "blame free world", and I thought wouldn't that be awesome. It certainly is something to strive for in each of our own lives and if we each did our part, we would be well on our way to offering our children and generations to come "a blame free world". What a legacy to pass on!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
The Heart...
Even though my children are considered by the world "adults" it doesn't mean my heart leaves theirs. When their heart hurts. mine hurts. When their tears run down, my heart aches to ease the pain. In life there are things I can't fix, I can only be there to offer LOVE and a safe and soft place to fall. But the heart is fragile and needs to be handled with care. Tonight I will give those I love a hug, give myself a hug and hope that those that mishandle their children's heart, will find an awakening that will heal their heart that is so wounded.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
Grocery Store...
I love shopping for groceries. Retail shopping is not my thing, but spending an hour or two at the grocery store and I'm loving it. I'm grateful I have several stores close by that offer me so many options of organic and healthy foods. Everyday I look for ways to improve on what I eat and how I store and cook my food. Just today I bought a whole papaya to cut up and dehydrate for digestion instead of synthetic chewable tablets. And I'm saving jars to store food in instead of plastic when I can. Every little bit helps.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
A Salute...
This day I offer a salute to my dad who served in Vietnam three times and did his duty as a solider. I'll never know the toll the war took on my father's mind, body and spirit but I know he did the best that he could with the information he had.
May you rest in peace...
your daughter ~ Nancy
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
The past few days I've had a lot of practice "leaning in to my uncomfortableness." From packages that aren't arriving and I need the product sooner then later, people not saying when their coming or delivering what they said they would, or someone for months inattentive to the project that we have continually worked on. But the uncomfortableness is "my need" to know things in advance. I'm a person who likes predicability, and I like to schedule thing ahead of time so I know what to expect. Then there is the other part of me that wants to be free to be more spontaneous and less predicable. Others are my mirror to what I need to see. They are free to be who they are and it's my uncomfortableness that I need to look at an work on. Because then I can see the other people in a different light.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
My daughter brought this to my attention the other day because she knows I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE tree's. Tree's and leaves are one of my favorite things. And the thought of being able to be a tree when I die thrills me to no end, and it's good for the environment, that's a win, win for me.
Monday, July 1, 2013
A Man...
The past couple of days I've caught the scent of men's cologne as I was running errands and it brought to my attention how much I miss having a man in my life. I always loved being married but my choice of men seemed to be a reflection of my self worth. I'm looking forward to the day when I have a man again in my life, with my new reflection.
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