Sunday, May 31, 2009


 green beans...........

It's a small amount, but the bounty of joy is BIG. My plans for a large garden got lost this year, but I managed to plant a couple of things, some green bean, peas and tomatoes. 

And what to my wondering eyes should appear but a handful of beans hanging so dear.

 I can't wait to eat them...... OH that's right, I already did!!! 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

You live your life, every single bit of it,
 in the present moment and only in the present moment.
(borrowed words)

Someone asked me once how I was and I said something about another yucky rainy day and their response was, "it was just another wet day". So now I try to view my rainy days as "just another wet day" and just another moment to appreciate without judgement.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


a cool breeze hovers
over children in their sleep
raindrops gently fall

Sunday, May 10, 2009

winters chill gives way
to springs new day and summers
heat,  leads us to fall

Present moments like the seasons wait for no one. 

As you can see by my last post it has been awhile since I have shown up for myself. I have allowed the moments to fade away, forgetting to enjoy them, letting life devour me! 
Today is mothers day and the world has given me permission to slow down. I can see the missed joy and the time I took away from myself. But I don't want to take my present moment and fill it with regret. So I will choose to start for where I am in this moment, and ENJOY!