Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fear... and answers

‎"The presence of fear is a sure sign you're trusting in your own strength."

This week I had plumbing issues at my house. At first I was mad at myself because I knew better then to put food down the garbage disposal because it has clogged up before. But I did it anyway and wa-la..... CLOGGED drain. Fear came and went. I thought I can do this, I can manage this problem, it's happened before. Then as nothing was working fear come back, oh no what am I going to do know. Is it a problem bad enough to call the plumber, do I know anyone who would know anything about plumbing and do I have the nerve to ask them, what should I do. Then the fear would subside and I would try again... nothing. I decided to go to bed visualize and let go and as I did, the universe provided an answer. A friend of a friend offered to come help. AWESOME!!! I was thrilled and went to the sink once more to give it one last plunge and that did the trick. But I now know that my "presence of fear was a sure sign I was trusting on my own strength" to figure it out. That is a big lesson I am learning on this journey of life, I don't have to "do it all myself", and that is feeling really good right now.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I open myself up today to the art of Allowing. To ask for more, to expect more, to receive more. To know it is okay to ask, expect and receive. To know it doesn't take away from anyone else. I don't need to suffer or pay dues in order to receive happiness, money, love, or peace. I only need to "KNOW", to trust, to surrender to what is and allow good things to flow. To find what makes me happy and be conscious in my present moments of my intent. Am I struggling or am I allowing? Am I seeing my cup half empty or half full? Am I offering love to myself and others or am I judging. Am I happy....... YES I AM!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have chosen October as my "no worries" free month. I am experimenting with the idea of practising everyday for a month to not pick up worry, or fear about my life. To wake everyday and set my intention to only GOOD thoughts and expecting miracles. What harm can it do? My cup is half full or half empty, it's however you want to look at it. When dark clouds of thoughts come my way I refuse to let them in. Positive energy reins over me.