Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A reason to smile...

Image by Lenka Novotná


Image by Cindy Lever

"Looking at beauty in the world is the first step of purifying the mind."
Amit Ray

As the world seems to be enveloped in the unknown, I find myself needing more reasons to reach for a smile. Nature always provides! Whether it's being outside and hugging a tree, observing from my window or looking at beautiful pictures from the internet. The beauty and wonder of nature never cease to amaze me. It's free and accessible to all. May you find what makes you smile today!

Sunday, March 22, 2020


"Everything in the Universe has a rhythm, everything dances."
Maya Angelou

When I was a teenager I use to play the guitar and write music. It was therapeutic for me during that time of my life. I haven't played in years and never really thought of myself as a music lover, but I think I am, more then I give myself credit for. Yesterday my daughter showed me how to make a playlist on YouTube and we had so much fun gathering old and new songs. I'm excited to have music at my fingertips and be able to sing and even dance if it moves me. So after being enveloped in music most of the day, I realized that it still has much to offer me. Providing good memories, creating new ones, a reason to smile and a reason to dance!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Winter to Spring

"I'm going to try and pay attention to the spring. I'm going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen."
Anne Lamont

Winter has much to offer if I pause long enough to see. To linger in appreciation at the hidden treasures now visible through the absence of distractions. As winter comes to say goodbye, spring knocks at the door to be welcomed. 
Today there was time to play, to plant and dig in the dirt. New growth is anticipated and a hunger for the freshness that a new season brings and a chance to see things differently.