Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Yearning to Write...

It started with a journal entry:

I pursued the only dream I ever wanted which was to marry and have children. Children had been my passion since I was a teen. During high school I worked in a social service owned day care (which I did not know at the time, but knowledge that would not have made a difference in my decision). These children where not your average “ my child needs a little playtime”, no these children came cold, hungry and in need of more then just interaction. I wrapped them in a blanket when their bodies were brought in blue, I bathed them in the bathroom sink when the need was great, stories were read, games brought laughter, food offered them nourishment and I loved them without judgment.

I graduated from high school and worked in the day care until I met my first husband at age 21 and we had a son. After our son was born it became very clear that this was not something my husband wanted. Looking back, I don't think he even knew a child was something he was not ready for. This is the moment in my life that brought the art of journaling to me. Most of my writing was frustration, confusion in my inability to figure out what felt so wrong. I filled pages and pages of journals, with no other answer but to end the marriage where my child was not welcome. I went back to school and recieved a Associate Degree in Graphic Arts. I knew I wanted something in the “Arts” and the counselors suggested I try Graphic Arts to be able to make a living – other wise I would be just another “starving” artist. Writing had not offered a nudge or spark of interest yet.

I later married again, all the while still writing what my heart felt, filling the empty space. These words brought a stirring, a growing interest and I started taking writing classes. Mostly in fiction but later tried my hand at non-fiction. I fell in love, and now have a desire for both fiction and non-fiction. Life gave me two more beautiful children and my interest for writing never wavered or lost it's desire to speak. But this marriage was also a learning experience. It taught me about myself and what I deserve and what I am worth, bringing this marriage to an end as well.

I have had many life experiences, all which contribute to the full and richness of my pursuit of writing. At this stage I am looking to reach farther then my own mind, to play big and allow others to see the possibilities, and I can only do that, if I allow myself to do the same. I am a student of life and will never stop learning and sharing what I feel will send ripples out into the world. My compassion is deep and my yearning great. Since I was a young child, I have been seeking and searching. Living amongst those around me, listening to their words, watching their actions, I always felt I was on the wrong page of the book that they were reading from. Finally finding the words that belong on my page, I want to honor that voice within. I have spent fifty-one years collecting data and now my goal is to use it for the greater good, and to keep expanding my view and exploring them from different angles.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Taming the FEAR...

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself... --Franklin D. Rossevelt

(One ) definition of tame is : make wild and frightening people, animals or things calm and gentle.

I find myself running into fear on a moment by moment basis. It twists my thoughts and distorts my view but I have to "tame"the fear or it will devour me. I do not want to scare it or wish it didn't exist, I only want to tame it - allow it's presents in my life but let it know who is in charge. I am in charge - of my life, my thoughts, my desires, my dreams. It is an ongoing battle but one I have to be present for in each moment because it has a way of sneaking up and surprises me when I least expect it and I have to be ready to challenge its statements. It tells me give up, your to old, etc. and each time I have to ask - is it true? If the answer is no then I replace it with a true statement. But fear is meant to alert us and sometimes that answer to the statement is yes and I then walk away or try a different choice.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Living on the Edge...

I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things that you can't see from the center.

Kurt Vonnegut

Living on the edge is not something that is even remotely within my comfort zone, but I would like it to be a more comfortable feeling ( be careful what you wish for ) . I just love that quote because it is so true - you can see so much more when your not standing safely in the center. If I had to pick one thing I would call "living on the edge" for me, it would be driving. Every time I drive it's a challenge, but it has allowed me to see so much more then staying closed inside and not venturing out. And just "trusting the universe" is pretty close to the edge for me too. I am someone who likes to have things organized and scheduled - I like knowing! So the quote is a good reminder that clinging to close to "safe" leaves no room to see all the beauty that the world has to offer and all that I am capable of offering to the world.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Friendship Concentrate...

Having come back from a wonderful fun filled loving weekend with many of my friends that I see about once a week, the phrase came to me "friendship concentrate". Spending time all weekend - day and most of the night I just thought this is like have my friends in a concentrated way. And I have to say~ I LIKED IT!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Say it... Shout it... Believe it... "I'm going to make it happen".

This is my mantra for the year 2012, combined with "letting go" of the results. It's a journey not a destination...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It's all good...

You don't have to justify the good that flows to you... it is a given.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Still resting...

Yes, today I am still trying to rest. You see I used the word "trying". It is something I want to become more comfortable with - resting when my body speaks. I not only want to hear what my heart is speaking but I want to listen to my body too. I am working on living a more conscious life, which for me means listening more deeply to myself, eating more consciously, leading me to a more plant based diet and making more conscious choices with everything I do. For me it's not something I have been able to just decide and then it always feels that way, it seems it's an awareness I need to wake up with each day and then in that present moment I can make a conscious choice over and over again in each moment . Today I am choosing to rest because my body speaks...

Saturday, January 7, 2012


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I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I'm doing everything I know to do to help prevent it or cut it short - EXCEPT rest! That is SO hard for me. My to-do list is endless and it's hard to not use every moment I have available to tackle something on my list. But I KNOW that rest is one of the most important things I can do. And I have to believe that what doesn't get done, there will be time or a realization that it's just not that important. So I am granting myself permission to rest not only my body but my mind too. It is not very restful if my mind does not stop it's constant swirling. I will practice staying in the present moment and finding rest.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

No rules...

Our Christmas tree is still up and I'm still enjoying the way the lights twinkling at night and all the decorations full of memories that hang on the tree. We will probable take it down this weekend but it's nice to know in life there are no rules for how long you "should" keep your tree up or how you "should" do any of your holiday traditions. It's about what feels good and right for your family. And right now our tree brings up JOY!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


On New Year's day I declared this would be the year I believe in ME! Oh okay with that said I am having to live that statement everyday. Today I am wavering - one minute I think I will never amount to anything and the next I believe without a doubt. My stomach is in a knot. I did my yoga and meditating, and it helped but I'm already back to "oh no, can I do this?". I keep trying to stop myself from going to far down that thought pattern, because I know it only snowballs into a very dark place. One of my goals each day is to do things differently because "they" say the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and expecting different results". So here I go...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Just BE...

"If you want to be happy, be."

Leo Tolstoy

Monday, January 2, 2012


My wonderful friendships are like rain that has slowly over time, softening my barren existence. Underneath there, lay waiting, a desire, a yearning for more. New life has started to grow and blossom and with each rainfall (gathering of friends) I feel my roots growing deeper, helping me stand strong and providing shelter and safety when weathering the storms. The sun does not always shine and when left in the dark, I have a "knowing" that I am cared for and loved and can wait until the light returns to shine again.
I am ever so grateful on this new day, in this new year, in this present moment for my friendships both old and new. I can feel the growth, the new life, the softening and I THANK YOU...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Present Moment Resolutions...

Forget about those New Years resolutions in which you decide on the first day of January how you will be conducting your life for the next twelve months. Instead set up a day-to-day goals for yourself, and then resolve to living with present moment awareness for the rest of your life. When you get good at living your present moment one day at a time, you'll see yourself changing right before your own surprised eyes. Remember, anyone can do anything for just one day, so tune out the sentences that keep you locked into your old self-defeating ways and begin to enjoy each day of your bright new year.

Words borrowed from: Wayne Dyer