Sunday, March 14, 2010

A happy birthday family event.........

March is the month of spring flowers, warming weather, and lighter days. But it is also the month of my family birthdays. It starts with mine, then my middle son, my sister, my daughter and would have been my oldest son next (but he was three weeks late and was born on April 5th) but I still consider him born in March - because that was my intention.
Looking back over the years I never fully saw March as a month of celebration. I was always doing way to much for to many people and not happy about it but not ready to change. It was getting the party planned and all that included, while my birthday barely acknowledged. As the children have grown older and circumstances have become easier (because of being ready to finally change) I am feeling the hint of celebration. To embrace each person, and that would include myself on their special day and just ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY!!! I look forward to the years to come but for today I will bath in the WONDER of the present moment as we celebrate another birthday today. And Happy Birthday to us ALL..........