Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bad vs Good

Why does it seem the good habits are harder to create and stick with then the bad? You think your brain would say - oooohhh this is nice, this feels good, keep doing it. But in pondering this question I realize it is my misplaced self esteem and wrong thinking that out weights feeling good. To feel good you have to give yourself permission, to allow it to continue and thrive. It is an automatic reflex to deny myself, to give up, give in, to put off until, to sacrifice, to never believe good things can happen for me. Those voices scream loud! But I can stop them, I can scream over them. I can yell, its not true, I don't believe you, I am worth all the good the universe has to offer. Only if I am present and aware. Drifting off into "if only", "it will never happen", "oh I wish, I wish" leaves you full of lack and regrets, and drowning in self pity. When the shadows of self doubt cast over you reach for the light. Reach until you feel the grace and goodness that is granted all of us. Today I scream - I AM WORTHY, I AM LOVED, I AM ME.......... let the good begin!