Sunday, April 29, 2012

A yard transformed...

As I was working in my backyard today I felt the similarities...
My front yard is more neighbor friendly and has a slightly different look then my backyard. The grass is cut and trimmed, the trees are kept up, the flowers are in their proper place for viewing and it looks pretty much like everyone's else's. My backyard is more spontaneous and whimsical. It's an ongoing project that is added to and taken away as I feel and it is not visible for all to see. So as I was working I felt like the front yard was my physical outside body - one that is perceived slightly different than what is on my insides. My inside ( my heart and soul ) is a mix of surprise with a little trust and surrender.  My yard is evolving and changing like I am. Anytime I need a little "pick me up - of spirit" I just need to step out into natures wonder and I remember...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Another - good quote...

"There is no skill better to acquire than to be conscious of the present moment, be willing to let go of everything you've ever learned and jump into a spontaneous, weird and unknown new life. All the planning in the world can never prepare you for the time when you must leap into the unknown all by yourself. Welcome to that moment."

- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Wheel...

You know the old saying " The squeaky wheel gets the grease", well that is what is on my mind.
Of my three children, two still live at home with me. One is quiet, keeps to themselves and doesn't ask for much, the other one is a social butterfly and likes to go places, shop and is just more interactive. So I find myself feeling like I'm slighting the other because I find my attention and energy spent on other things and people. I have to put it on my "to do" list to plan something with my one child and it helps me be more conscious of wanting to save some of my time for them as well. Sometimes the offer of an activity or time is not wanted and that is okay too, but I just want to make sure that the gesture is offered. But with that said I do feel that my children know I am ALWAYS available (day or night) and they are loved.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Good Quote...

"It is very easy to be tricked by the circumstances of the present moment. But, dear seeker, remember that everything changes! Life is an exercise not in adding, but in constantly letting go of what you know and who you think you are and to have the courage to become brand new. When we fixate on the past, we welcome it into our present moment, which keeps the past alive. When you give up the fight

THAT is when you'll take flight!"

- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.