Tuesday, April 30, 2013


How to awaken the stagnate senses in my everyday life? 

Go for a walk in a different place then the usual.
Eat a vegetable raw instead of cooking it.
Take a different route in your driving routine and drive slower.
Read a random book from a genre you've never tried before.
Add an unusual spice to your dish and see what you think.

It doesn't have to be sky diving or a climb to Mt. Everest to awaken the senses. To come alive and alert takes only a small change in your present moment. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sitting Still...

"We all believe there is something: a train to catch on time, an apple to pick in the fall, a coin we dropped by the parking meter to retrieve. All of this is true, It is a moment. It cannot be held on to and made forever."
What freedom when you sit down in the middle of your busy life, to unroot the urgency, the feeling that everything is an emergency."
words from: The True Secret of Writing

Finding that moment to "stop" and be still is hard. If my body is not running my mind is. I often feel that sense of urgency for everything, forgetting that when I can quiet my mind or just sit still and allow the calm, the urgency passes. It's a habit I'm working on - progress not perfection.
One breath at a time...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pat on the back...

Back from my refreshing time away with wonderful friends, old and new who all are loving each other, their families and children. But the driving was a long one. It was 6 hours each way and if anyone knows me they know driving is NOT my thing!!!. I get very nervous and anxious and have many meltdowns along the way. But this trip ( even though I've done this drive before) went pretty well considering it rained most of the way home. I didn't have that horrible exhausted feeling from the anxiety and I'm patting myself on the back for taking on such a long trip and doing really darn good compared to other trips I've been on. A job well done Nancy...

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I will be disconnected from most of the technology in my life for the next few days. I have to say, as much as I love the connectedness that is available, I'm looking forward to the forced "disconnect." It simplifies life and secretly it's nice to not be able to be fully available, all the time. A bit of anonymous is not a bad thing. But I know I will be looking forward to writing again and musing my thoughts, if only for myself.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The River...

“When we stop resisting what we don’t want to feel and embrace the state that we are in, we move through whatever it is SO much faster and find our way back to truth and clarity.”
—Michael Eisen

It feels good when I can be aware of my resistance and just "let it happen."  It does pass much faster and the truth and clarity come quicker. Most of my life I thought if I only held on long enough and was angry enough (because being vulnerable only left you open to the unknown) that somehow I could keep life in control and safe. Little did I know when you open up and let go - stop resisting- the river of life flows much easier.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The lives we're in...

"Waiting for something to change puts all the power and possibility beyond our control.  But we, the consciously alive, creative, and visionary, don't wait for circumstances to change us. We change circumstances. We do it by embracing and igniting the lives we're in."
Words from: Inspired & Unstoppable

This is what I try to do everyday ~ Embrace the life I'm in right now! As I take steps towards tomorrow I keep myself grounded in the gratitude of today. For today is all I'm guaranteed. I like the word "igniting" as it pertains to my life, it sounds positive and exciting.  My circumstances are changed one step at a time, one grateful moment at a time.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day...

"Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the wind longs to play with your hair."
Kahlil Gibran

I am honored to be on this earth, and so I pause in awe of Mother Nature and all that she provides.
Thank you...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

You Never Know...

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

You never know when you glance over at someone just how much that smile of acknowledgment could mean. 
We don't know what is going on in each others lives, and the smallest act of caring can change everything. 
We may never know what it did but I know when it has happened to me, my life was made better because of it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Room to Grow...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."

Anytime I see a tree out in a clearing like this, it reminds me of my children and other people in my life. When you give them open space and room to grow, it's amazing how big they can be. As my children are becoming older it is even more important to give them lots of space to find their way in this world. And my job is to be there with open arms filled with love and acceptance. To offer that safe place to fall and be their cheerleader. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Dress...

I ended up making a dress for my daughters senior prom. We had looked for weeks and she couldn't find one that she liked. She doesn't like the typical prom dress which made it that much harder to find. So as I was making the dress (with no pattern) and with four days to spare, the critical voices in my head was whispering, "Your not doing a very good job, you could do better, it will look like it was "made." But as I finished, down to the last minute, as we are walking out the door, I silenced the voice and choose to say "I did a good job. Could I have done better sure, but I did a good job." With that the critic was silenced!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Years ago as a teenager, I use to play the guitar and write songs. It was very therapeutic at that time in my life. When I saw this picture it brought back good memories of how the words I needed to express came out in song and soothed my soul. Words have always brought me comfort in one form or another. After my song writing days, I kept journals and now I write a blog, articles and my fiction novel. Having books by my bedside bring me comfort as I read others peoples words too. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Busy... Busy... Busy...

At least once a month there is a week where it's very busy with things I have to get done. They all come at the same time. I am a slow person so when one of those weeks arrives I have to really use my skills to not get to overwhelmed - like I feel today. Thought if I wrote about it, it might help release some of the pressure that is building as today is Wednesday and I have until Friday to accomplish everything. Some of the things are out of my comfort zone as well, which only adds to the pressure. I don't like it, but I know I can get through this. 

My mantra today is "There is time enough for all that I need to do."

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


"If you ever hope to arrive in your life, you have to arrive in this moment."

Sometimes life is just that simple! Be present, arrive in this moment! I get caught up in thinking there is so much more I need to do. That somehow it has to be more complicated then that. I like the saying 
"Sometimes less is best." I'm a really simple woman but my mind can get very complicated. I strive to and continue to arrive in this moment - that's all - just that simple!

Monday, April 15, 2013


It's late ~ I just want to wish you LOVE...

Good Night...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Story...

"The only thing keeping you from having what you want is the STORY you tell about why you can't have it."
Tony Robbins

This is not the first time I've struggled with this concept. As I'm stretching myself to have the life I want, I find myself again stuck in "the story.". My story of being too old, of not having what it takes, nobody wants to hear what I have to say, there is already other people more knowledge then me, and then there is just plain old scared! But I love this picture. It's what I feel on the inside, the brave side of me. It says " Here I am world." So each time the old story surfaces, I have the opportunity to be present and tell myself a new story. 

Process not perfection... "I can do this!"

Saturday, April 13, 2013


"Wild success is not a path of quiet desperation clinched by a big bang. It's a path of honoring yourself every step of the way."

This is what I hope to remember in this present moment ~ Honor myself every step of the way!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Change in Seasons...

Winter is now Spring and with that comes, opening my windows. I love the cool breeze, the sounds of nature and the sun's warmth all flowing through my window. Each season brings change and as I've gotten older I've come to embrace and flow with what is offered. I can appreciate the difference and beauty and find something to be grateful for. Welcome Spring...

Thursday, April 11, 2013

And then there were four...

Over the years I've had a house full of animals. You name it we have probable had them, and all at the same time. We even took the animals from my children's classroom home for the holidays. But now I am down to four cats. They came into our lives just when the kids needed them and brought refugee from the storm of life. Our four kittens, now grown cats, are 5 years old this month. We are so thankful for their generous, unconditional love. Pets provide so many people love but sometimes out in the world they are not treated so kindly. Let's remember to honor and love ALL... Human and man's best friend ~ our pets!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This is where my mind is right now - at the beach! It's not where it needs to be but it is! Focus ~ Focus ~ Focus is the mantra I'm saying to myself. Sometimes - okay most of the time, when I have a lot of things I'm trying to accomplish my mind goes elsewhere. Today I'm trying to bring my mind back into focus and work on my tasks at hand. Oh but that beach chair looks so inviting... Focus Nancy, Focus!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Feeling a bit overwhelmed in this present moment and looking at these clouds reminds me of being a kid and laying down on the grass and watching the clouds drift by. It brings a carefree, relaxed feeling, which is what I need right now. I need to let all those "things" that are weighing on my mind, drift by just like those clouds.

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Present Moment in Spring...

It was a beautiful day of spring, celebrated with a picnic in the park and a walk around the trail drinking in the trees energy. My middle son and I enjoyed the moments and left feeling refreshed and renewed! Nothing regenerates my spirit like hanging out with Mother Nature.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Gift...

I've been in the kitchen most of the day cooking six meals and desserts to give as a gift to my oldest son. His birthday was Friday but he is coming up tomorrow to celebrate. Cooking meals is not easy for most people and Matt and his girlfriend are no exception. They get home from work ( no kids yet) and aren't really interested in cooking and they just go for the instant, easy stuff. So who wouldn't love a weeks work of meals to eat and freeze. I hope he does!!

Happy Birthday Matthew ~ you've been a joy for 31 years
Loving you All-ways

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Aren't there times when someone tells you something and you don't care if it's really true or not, you just need to believe it. Being exactly where I'm suppose to be right now is what I need to believe. When I hear that, it stops all the wondering if I'm doing what I'm suppose to be doing with my life, it stops the wondering why a beloved partner to share my present moments with has not shown up yet and all the other unending questions that really have no good answer. There is a poem I've always liked called, "Living the Questions." Tonight I will rest my weary mind and just live in the questions and believe I am exactly where I am suppose to be!   ~Good Night...

Friday, April 5, 2013

Instant Gratification...

We live in a digital world where everything we need or want to know is at our fingertips. Who doesn't love instant gratification! Lately my daughter has taken to the old film camera's I have around the house. She liked the idea that you would take a set of pictures and it would be a total surprise when they were developed. Plus I think when you take pictures with a film camera, you have to rely on instinct because you can't look at what you just shot. The digital world has its advantages but there is something to be said for the old fashion way of life. Take what you like and leave the rest...

Thursday, April 4, 2013


"They say, practice makes perfect." Last night my daughter and I were over at a good friends and while  her daughter and mine were video chatting with another friend, we decided to watch a movie. And even though we were watching a movie that is all we did. We usually would have our phones, knitting, or some form of a project we were working on, trying to multi-task, but instead we practiced the art of doing nothing - nothing but watching the movie. I have to say it certainly was more enjoyable to focus on being in good company and JUST watch the movie and nothing else! I plan to use this as a reminder in other areas of my life, to "be" in the present moment and ENJOY!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I subscribe to http://www.positivelypositive.com and it always gives me food for thought. One of my favorite things is the "ripple effect." It doesn't have to be big things, or things that require a lot of money: a smile, a compliment, a helping hand, a positively positive thought, a meal, and the list goes one. There are wonderful stories out there in the world of strangers giving to one another ( random acts of kindness). People have given to me and expect nothing in return and I have done the same. I always tell them to pass it on. Need more inspiration http://www.goodnewsnetwork.org is full of "make you smile" kind of stories. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wrong Way...

I've finally decided what direction I want to go with my meal planning business. I want to specialize in helping those discover "You are what you eat." I want people to experience what I experienced years ago as I watched my children's behavior transform when they ate different food. It has been my passion for almost 20 years. I want to walk people through that transition and for those wanting alternatives to know what to choose when faced with food allergies. I have been gluten and dairy free for years, and you can have wonderfully delicious food. So even though I was going the "wrong way", I have found my way back home and I'm excited!

Monday, April 1, 2013


"Good Night Moon"
(a favorite book I use to read to my children)

Night has arrived and I am going to nestle in and enjoy the quiet, peaceful evening ahead. There is something about the day ending and the darkness blanketing the day that I love. Good night world, I will be back tomorrow.