Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ever Wonder...

When I saw this I thought "ahhh, never thought about it that way. It's kind of funny when you stop and look at something in a new way." That's one thing I admire about comedians, is their way of looking at life and finding humor. It's amazing how one small twist of thought can change the way you see. So just take a moment and just wonder...

Why the sun lightens our hair,
but darkens our skin?

Why don't you ever see the headline
'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

Why is 'abbreviated' such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what
they do 'practice'?

Why is the man who invests all
your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the
slowest traffic called rush hour?

You know that indestructible black
box that is used on airplanes? Why
don't they make the whole plane out
of that stuff?!

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments
when they are all stuck together?

If flying is so safe, why do they call
the airport the terminal?

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Laughter is the best medicine...

A man goes into a bar with his dog. He goes up to the bar and asks for a drink.

The bartender says "You can't bring that dog in here!" The guy, without missing a beat, says "This is my seeing-eye dog."

"Oh man,” the bartender says, "I'm sorry, here, the first one's on me." The man takes his drink and goes to a table near the door.

Another guy walks into the bar with a Chihuahua. The first guys sees him, stops him and says "You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing-eye dog."

The second man graciously thanks the first man and continues to the bar. He asks for a drink. The bartender says "Hey, you can't bring that dog in here!"

The second man replies "This is my seeing-eye dog." The bartender says, "No, I don't think so. They do not have Chihuahuas as seeing-eye dogs."

The man pauses for a half-second and replies "What??! They gave me a Chihuahua??!"

Friday, March 29, 2013


Words are powerful...

I had lunch with a friend yesterday and as we were talking I happen to say "I don't want to be stupid about it" and she corrected me and said "I don't want to be foolish about it, not stupid." That small statement brought me the reminder I needed about how just changing one word in a sentence can make all the difference in my thinking. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Can't say my confused state is any better today but I've decided to "smile anyway." Resistance gives me nothing but my confusion plus a side order of misery. Not going there today! I will stay in the present moment and accept "what is." I will believe "this too shall pass" and embrace the day. My hope is that my smile will uplift someone else's day and that will uplift mine.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I'm going to sleep tonight hoping for clarity. I feel very confused about what I need to do with my meal planning business. I wish I had that go to, pick up the phone and chat with person, to help flush out ideas and sort all the jumbled thoughts in my head right now. So I will try and stay present, and accept life on life's terms. I'm confused and that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Duck suit...

"Sometimes you have to work hard at seeing the value you offer. You have to unzip your duck suit, that waterproof layer that insulates you from allowing in praise and recognition. Let it in, baby, or you won't ever let your powerhouse self out. The people who admire you have been given this special task in life to help you see yourself."
words from ~ Inspired & Unstoppable

This is my challenge... Letting the world see me! I've been zipped up and insulated along time. Where I was in my life, it was my protection, but I don't need that any more and life is calling me in a new direction... Will I listen and let it in, so that others can help me see myself as I truly am? I have to say, it is really really scary! Intellectually I know I am safe and all is well but jumping off with the faith that I will have wings to fly is another.

Monday, March 25, 2013


I met with a very nice lady today who helped me get started with a program I'm interested in. She gave me two hours of her time and was so gracious. I have had numerous people help and who continue to provide time, knowledge and ideas in my life. I am grateful for these beautiful people. This is a BIG thank you... to you all! My life is made better because of your giving.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


"What happened to being on an adventure of unforeseeable possibilities?"

"Present-moment awareness creates a gap not only in the stream of mind but also in the past-future continuum. Nothing truly new and creative can come into this world except through that gap, that clear space of infinite possibility."
 words by Eckhart Tolle

Sometimes my limited view can't see far enough to see all the possibilities and I forget I'm on a adventure not trying to reach a destination. I get lost in my to-do list and accomplishing things and forget to ENJOY the ride, "the process in the present moment." I want to spend more time in "the gap" and bath in infinite possibilities!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Is that for me?

It's easy to get lost in my own stuff. To think the world at the present moment is all about me. I've always been a caretaker and a giver but I like the "random-acts-of-kindness" movement because it's spontaneous and it's not laced with quilt or "should's", it just is, and I like that! Here is a link, full of ideas to get you started. 

Friday, March 22, 2013


This looks so inviting. Just what I could snuggle up to after a long day or any day for that matter. I use to do a lot of camping and the campfire was always one of my favorite things I looked forward too. Something about the fire that draws me in and I find a comforting feeling that keeps me siting there all night, and as the fire dies down the embers are hypnotising. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


"Let all things be exactly as they are."

"That's a painful invocation when you're kicking inside aching for things to be different. But it's not just some holy-minded pacifier, like how to spiritually kill time while you're waiting in the cold for the bus. It's a focus that helps you let go of your resistance to the situation before you. Resistance causes pain and separation. Resistance is the part of you that "wants things to be otherwise." The lack of resistance 
frees up more resources. When you accept what is, you can begin to love what is. Love moves energy."
 inspiring words from the book Inspired & Unstoppable by Tama Kieves

 “Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.” —Michael Peake. 

This pretty much sums up my life. I need to post this in my house like wallpaper. When I let go it leaves the door open to be vunerable and the unknown floods in. Two things I fear the most! And like a pandoras box - the two things I want the most. This is my challenge ~ "Let all things be exactly as they are"

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Today I woke filled with gratitude. I'm just bubbling over with all the good that my life holds...

three beautiful, happy children
loving and accepting friends and family
my body works and is strong
healthy food choices
a car that is dependable
animals that offer unconditional love
a home that is safe and comforting
a computer that allows for communication
money that continually flows in and out
 stars, sun and the moon
trees, flowers, nature's animals

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Present Moment...

"Choose this moment, as though it's the moment you've always wanted to be in, even if you feel dull or frustrated or so far behind where you hope to be. You can have an adventure right now by choosing to be present. The quality of your life is not the amount of things you get done. Quality depends on how much beingness you flood into each experience."

Another good reminder from the book Inspired & Unstoppable by Tama Kieves. I get so caught up sometimes that I'm to old and far behind where I'd hoped to be in my life or I'm not accomplishing enough for the years I'm been on this earth. But this reminder makes me breath a sigh of relief and refocus on what my vision is for my life. Today I choose this moment to be present and let beingness flood in!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I came across these words "naked joy" in a book I'm reading and I just thought - WOW - I loved those two words together. They embody what joy is all about. No restrictions, no rules, just PURE naked joy!!! When my children were born they were pure naked joy. Life had not yet whisper in their ear all the "shoulds" and "suppose to" that come along with being born into this world. But it's never to late to experience a little... NAKED JOY!

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Love is in the air...

This is what I want to remember today as I go out into the world. We are all connected and wanting to be validated and loved. I will envision that "Love is in the air" and offer love to myself and all those I meet today. If we each did that for one day, awesome things could happen. Like a ripple affect, love may touch someone's life that we may never really know, and it's offered freely  ~ no strings attached! 

Remember ~You are BEAUTIFUL and LOVED today~

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's the little things...

I'm struggling with a cold right now and I have to scale my life back to simple. So it's the little things I appreciate at this present moment. I've been buying fresh eggs from a friend and when I cook it makes me feel good about what I'm putting into my body. Even if it's just an egg. If you've never tried a fresh from the farm egg you should. The yolk is a gorgeous deep golden color. The taste is wonderful, and nothing goes to waste, because I wash the shells out, dry them and grind them up to put in my garden. Give it a try, you'll discover just how yummy an egg can be.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Baby...

Another birthday is upon us. My baby turns eighteen today! The passing years leave me in awe of how fast it seems to go by. My daughter has grown to a wonderful young woman. She loves life and is so funny and adventurous. Who knew when I named her it would not even begin to encompass all that she is. I look forward to watching her life continue to unfold and will be forever grateful I'm available to be a participant in her life. 

Happy Birthday My "Lovey"... Love Mom

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Pardon me while I whine a little today. 
This isn't a new issue for me, just one that seems to elude me. I want a partner in life, as I'm sure a lot of people do. I was married for twenty years and never felt like I had a partner, just another child. I feel like I've done everything by myself my whole life and I'm tried. I want to rest on someone's shoulder and share the present moments, whatever they may be. I'm tried of struggling. "They" say we are right where we are suppose to be, but at this moment I don't like it and I want to throw a tantrum and demand it change! Okay now that that is over, I'll just allow the feeling to rest within, without judgement and put my focus on my present moment that is given to me right now. Thanks for listening...

Monday, March 11, 2013


"Life just is. You have to flow with it. Give yourself to the moment. Let it happen."
 ~ Jerry Brown 
   American politician

This picture looked like a good place to start my day. The ocean holds great memories, old and new. It relaxes me to look out over the vast ocean, listening to the waves and let "life flow, letting it happen." I always offer such resistance to life and I need a constant reminder to "give myself to the moment." I will breath deeply and "let it happen."

Sunday, March 10, 2013


JEALOUSY rears its ugly head...

Jealousy is what I feel while looking out my window at my neighbors newly built screened in porch. I have always wanted my patio to be screened in. But jealousy tells me that I'm feeling lack... lack of something I think I can't have.  I have always felt when I feel that way about something someone has then I need to see it as a sign of all that is possible. That is what I would want someone to think if they find themselves feeling jealous over what I may have in my life. So today in this present moment I will allow jealousy to be my friend and not find judgement within myself. Instead, while it lingers I will hold on to all that is possible and... BELIEVE!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

My Son...

This picture reminds me of my middle son, on this special day he turns twenty one.
~ Happy Birthday David ~

David asked a lot of questions about the world. He loved storms and anything having to do with the weather. We use to go frog hunting and nature walks. He loved mother nature! Later he became a writer and a self taught artist and is awesome at what he does. He is a quiet soul but has many passions that you only need to ask and he has much to say on the subjects. Making up a new kind of sandwich is always something he enjoys. 

You bring light and joy to my life everyday ~ you are loved my sweet David ~ love Mom : )

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Birthday...

I'm singing... Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Nancy, happy birthday to me!
I decided I could celebrate myself, celebrate all that I add to the world, all that I was, all that I am and all that I will be. That's a lot of celebrating! It has been quit a ride for the last 53 years and I am looking forward to spending another 53 with all my wonderful, accepting, loving, family and friends. I am also stretching myself to opening up more to life and expanding the abundance that life is offering. 
It's never to late! 


Thursday, March 7, 2013


I'm a lover of words...

I love how you can string them together and they can uplift and inspire! I am reading this book I randomly picked up at the library the other day called "Inspired & Unstoppable" by Tama Kieves. I find her being my cheerleader as I read. I'm only on page 62 but I wanted to share a little of what I've been uplifted and inspired by...

"It's who you think you are that creates who you end up being."

"It's amazing to allow yourself to dare your own authentic walk in this lifetime, to listen to the love within you more than your fear, and to discover a consistent constellation of abundance that dwarfs the scope of any plan."

"We live in the Information Age, and we can start to believe in information more than guidance. Somewhere along the way, we started trusting complete strangers on talk shows, Botoxed with serenity, more than our own instincts. Sure you can benefit from others. Just don't let it stop you from learning about your power."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Favorite Thing...


 ~ is what I've called this weed since I was a little girl. It has always been one of my favorite things. There is something about looking at this and seeing natures wonder, its detailed perfection. Makes me pause and take a step back into letting go of all those tiny details in my life that will come together if I stop resisting. If I let go of "my" detailed perfection and just "be" in the present moment. My life's intentions will be blown in the wind, just as a wishy on a bluster day with no idea of where they may land. With no idea where I will be planted "anew." When you blow on a "wishy"of intentions, you scatter endless possibilities.

Monday, March 4, 2013

I Bite...

This made me smile and reminded me that I do have a side that is not always pretty and sweet ~ sometimes "I do bite!" It is a struggle at times to embrace "all" of me and not just the parts that I like the most. So many times in my life I worked hard at trying to be "the good one" because that would assure others love. I think thats why it's hard for me to expose myself to the world sometimes - afraid that part of me that "bites" might show. But it is something I want to work on ~ allowing all of me to be exposed and loved, because when I embrace "all of me", others will as well and if they don't that will be okay too.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


I love finding driftwood. It reminds me how life washes over me, smoothing the rough edges. It changes me and forms different patterns. What I was years ago is not what I am today. If I go with the flow, stop resisting, ride the waves, enduring some bumps along the way, someone will find me and think, "how beautiful is she!" Until then, when I look in the mirror, I see my beauty and I am loved.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

It's for the Birds...

I have missed feeding the birds. There was a bird feeder in my kitchen window for a couple of years and I loved loved loved watching them through a sheer curtain covering the window. But a squirrel decided it needed to eat too. Only it destroyed three bird feeders and the screen on my window. I never could come up with a way to keep the squirrel away, so I gave up. I tried putting the bird feeder in the backyard but I just don't look out that way much so that idea fell by the way side. I am determined this year to come up with a different feeder or something to bring back the birds. I have missed them!