Sunday, February 15, 2015


When I was a young girl my mother taught me to sew and I loved it. I use to make some of my own clothes and even made myself a bathing suit once. And when I became a mother I made Halloween costumes every year, a prom dress and some of their everyday clothes. And there was always the many crafts to be sewn that I loved creating too. Then a few years ago I started sewing for a lady as a job and I did it for about eight years. It sucked the fun out of my sewing and since I've stopped working for her I've had a really hard time getting myself back to the sewing machine. It just sits there with endless projects in front of it and a longing. But I want to find that love again for sewing. Like everything else... one stitch at a time... one project at a time... the love will return!

1 comment:

  1. That happens with a lot of things. I used to love running. Even though we had no sidewalks I would run up to my grammy's and get a doughnut etc. Once I joined the army and "had to" run, it sucked the fun out of it. Have had a hard time "loving it" since then.
