Sunday, December 13, 2009

Giving and Receiving

I have never been a very good receiver of gifts, compliments or offers. I have always been the one in my life who does the offering, the gift giving and the spreading of glad tidings so I think it has become a habit and habits can be unlearned. When I give, I give with much joy and love with no thoughts of obligation or feed back. I LOVE to give to others just because. It brings me such a "high"I wish that were my job in life. I am working on trying to accept what is given and offered in whatever form it comes in. With this Christmas season comes opportunities to practice allowing good tiding to flow and to just say "Thank You", which is enough.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, I like it when you write more on your blog. I like your poetry too but you have so much more going on inside. Really nice.
