The next few days I'm going to be in a room full of people and I find it so easy to let my mind make snap judgments instead of just observations. So that is my goal for the time I'm there ~ to be an observer, without judgement of whether anything or anyone is good, bad, right, or wrong. I want to be open to the energy around me and let things flow freely. I want to allow myself to be "present in each moment." Then I will be back blogging about all that I observed!
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Does it really matter...
As I was driving down the road today coming back from meeting with someone who helped me get a lot done on a project, I thought, " Does it really matter what didn't get done, yesterday is gone and the future has not happened yet. What matters is what I do in this present moment."
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
One of those days...
It's just one of those days, for no rhyme or reason I am feeling out of sorts. I feel like crying and all stirred up like the ocean in this picture. I'm just going to ride the wave and let the feeling settle. Tomorrow is always better and if not that's okay too. It's comforting to not try to figure it all out. Even if I did know "why", it wouldn't make any difference, so it's best to "let it be!"
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
I was given hurtful words from someone close to me who was hurting and felt the need to hurt someone- anyone. It can be hard not to take them personally. But I have to remember what I always asked the kids when they would come to me, hurt from words someone said to them, I'd ask, "do you believe that is true?", and they would say no - then let it go and know it is about them not you. So this is what I will do today. Wish that person "peace" and KNOW it is about them not me.
Monday, May 27, 2013
"The answers to the lack you may be temporarily experiencing are all within you. Show up, let go and trust The Uni-verse one day at a time. Get your desires, thoughts and actions in alignment and then let your patience and faith shower down on the fertile soil of your actions.
Your harvest WILL come."
Words borrowed from:
I have been showing up, letting go and trusting ~ one day at a time. I love the statement, " Your harvest WILL come." That is what keeps me stretching forward ~ KNOWING my harvest WILL come if I keep my desires, thoughts and actions in alignment.
letting go,
show up,
Sunday, May 26, 2013
"Instead of buying into what you see, hear and feel from the outside world, check inside and listen to the subtle whispers of your heart and of The Uni-verse."
Words borrowed form:
Finding quite in a noisy world is sometimes hard but when I am still enough, that's when I can hear that oh so subtle whisper that is telling me what "I KNOW" to be true for my life.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
"We get side tracked in life by so many people who squash our dreams, but in reality it’s not them, it’s US squashing our dreams, by accepting their opinion and assessment of the situation, instead of making our opinion and self-approval, what matters most."
words borrowed from; The Daily Love
I've done this so many times in my life, gotten side tracked and let another's opinion squash my dreams. They only had to say one negative thing and that was all I needed to hear. It was what I was already feeling and their words just gave me the excuse to tell myself I was right all along. But ultimately it is not them or anyone else that is to blame. My destiny is in my hands and we each speak from our own story and experience and their experience is not mine nor mine theirs.
Self-love + self-approval = my destiny!
Friday, May 24, 2013
"I am carried into a bigger room of expression."
Words by: Tama J. Kieve
This is a place where I'm working on, allowing myself to be completely, uncensored (from my own mind) creative. To allow that creative muse to be "carried into a bigger room of expression," then my own limitations can go. When I see all that space I can either freak out or I can see possibilities. I feel everyday I'm a little closer to ~ being carried into a bigger room of expression! I read once about being "all in or all out," and today I'm ALL IN...
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Sugar makes my brain foggy. I'm trying to be productive today since I don't have a lot scheduled but I can't seem to really get anything done. I keep wandering around doing "things" but not really what I want to get accomplished. Of course my brain is so foggy I'm not sure what it is I'm trying to get done! Sugar is not just in sweets, I made sweet and sour pork stir fry last night and just the sugar in the sauce did me in. My body is very sensitive to sugar and even if I take a charcoal to absorb it, it doesn't help my brain function the next morning. But yet I choose to eat sugar anyway. I make much better decisions about eating sugar then I use to be, but it's still hard. Sugar is everywhere and SO tempting!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
New Life...
"Living your dreams doesn’t come from one big shift or prize in the cereal box. It’s consistent dedication to small, fervent, meaningful acts that add up to create a whole new life."
Words by: Tama J. Kieves
This is one of the reasons I've started showing up for myself and writing on my blog everyday. It's a way of honoring myself and moving towards - consistent dedication to small, fervent, meaningful acts. I feel that it is starting to shift over to other area's of my life that I'm working on, at a slow steady pace. All with the intention of creating a whole new life.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
After watching this video, having faced death once myself with breast cancer and hearing news of yet another friend of a friend who died the other day, it makes you think about how you would want to be remembered.
I would want people to remember when they think of me ~ they felt love, understood love a little better, and above all ~ KNEW they were LOVED ~ by me!! Couldn't wish for more then that...
~You ARE Love(d) ~
Monday, May 20, 2013
"The mind that is aligned with Love simply observes the circumstances and chooses not to label them. We feel the feelings that come with each circumstance, but we do not let them define us or keep us stuck in a rut. We let the feelings come and go like a gust of wind - unattached and aware.
Because we do not know what is going to happen next, if we choose to prevent or resist the present moment, we may actually be interrupting and stopping a miracle in progress."
Words borrowed from:
If I KNEW a miracle was in progress I would stop resisting the present moment, but since I can't do that, I have to TRUST, and "let the present moment happen." Allowing circumstances to come and go is a habit I will continue to work on. My brain wants to figure it out and have it all make sense. So simply being an observer allows me to relax more and just let "it" be.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
My Home...
Oh... It feels so good to be home!
I love getting away for awhile but one of my favorite parts of any trip is heading home, crawling in my bed and being surrounded by all things familiar. Home is where the heart is! I LOVE home!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Play...
Today we are going to watch my niece in a play. I'm so excited because I love plays.When my children were younger I use to take them to the Children's Theater and a few times as they have gotten older. Secretly as a teenage I wanted to act so bad, I would walk by the drama room in high school and WISH I had the nerve to participate, but I never did. I know it does no good to have regrets in life but sometimes that feeling creeps up and "I wish I could have", but I didn't and that's okay. I have done many creative things in my life and being able to be a mother to my three children tops anything or any regrets I could have.
I'm away from home, which always keeps me in the present moment. I don't have my household "to do" to keep me preoccupied. I can be more present and available when I'm out of my element. But it's a good reminder that when I am on my own territory to be more aware of my surrounding and really appreciate my own space.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
I'm going to visit my sister and her family soon. My sister is the only sibling I have and we have always been as different as night and day, or so it seemed growing up. But reflecting back maybe we weren't so different in the way I thought. I think we each took the situation we were given and handled it differently. But as I sit in this present moment I think we're more alike then I realize. She's creative, loves to cook, loves being a mom just like me. So I have taken our lives, turned them around to be able to see them from a different angle, and what I see is maybe a match made in heaven.
Love you dear sis...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Grocery shopping ~ I LOVE! Any other kind of shopping ~ not so much! I have such a hard time shopping for things. And when it comes time to think of a birthday/ Christmas gift, it's near impossible for me to decide. I love making thing for people, but even that's hard for me to decide on what to make. Having a sweet daughter who loves fashion and shopping works wonders. She, like her dad have that knack for finding just the right something, for that special someone, with very little effort. So she and I go out together and within a few minutes have the perfect gift. She's awesome!!!!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Makes Me Smile...
It doesn't matter how I'm feeling, when I see a dog hanging out the window of a car it just "makes me smile!" Don't really know why and doesn't really matter, it just always lightens my mood. Animals have an unconditional love that can't be beat. I'm grateful they bring so much joy to our lives and we can share this world together!
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Web...
"In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled."
Learning to listen to my inner voice is hard sometimes. It takes practice and patience to be still and trust that what I KNOW is what is right for me. Even when the world fills my head with facts and opinions it can get confusing. It's a delicate web, that if built in the right place, can withstand almost any weather.
spider web,
Sunday, May 12, 2013
A Mother...
~ Happy Mothers Day ~
I love Mothers Day not for the breakfast in bed, not for the thoughtful gift, but that it's a day that celebrates the best job in the world! Growing up, there is nothing I wanted to do or be then a mother. The choices I made throughout my life didn't always work out like I'd planned and my vision of what kind of mother I wanted to be had to be altered, but I was still the best mother I could and that is good enough. I love offering those in need of a little "extra mothering" that special touch that only a mother can give. And it doesn't matter who they are, we all want our moms and to be loved ~ there is enough LOVE for everyone.
growing up,
mothers day,
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Present Moment...
I had cancer thirteen years ago and today I was talking to a lady going through cancer treatment. She was saying how she now treasures the "present moment" more then she ever did. A good reminder to not wait until death knocks at your door to enjoy the moment your in!
Friday, May 10, 2013
"Always believe something wonderful is about to happen!"
What if each and everyone of us believed this? Would that be awesome...
The glass is either half full or half empty ~ it's all how you look at it, and why not ~ just believe something wonderful is about to happen!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Open Door...
Today I was stuck working in a big building all day which is fine as long as I know I'm able to head outside to see the daylight and get some fresh air sometime during the day. But today that didn't happen and when I left I just wanted to run as fast as I could through the open door and scream I'm free, I'm free. I've never been a person who could stay inside a big store or building all day - I HAVE to get out, other wise I feel trapped and caged in. Crazy I know...
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
I really enjoy cooking and I do a lot of it, but I get annoyed with myself that I'm forever messing up the front of my shirts because I don't put on the apron I have. I really don't know why other then - it's not a habit - I don't know! I do know that I don't like having to spot clean my shirts all the time and hope the stain comes out. Maybe with some awareness and writing about it I will remember to put my apron on !!!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
I've been keeping up with the weather a lot lately and with that comes "bad news" that I don't care to hear but find myself listening even when I don't want to ( the news is something I rarely ever watch). So I needed a beautiful picture to reset my mind and change my focus. I'm feeling better already...
Monday, May 6, 2013
"I'm often humbled by the orchestration of it all. This is a wild ride but it's not unsupervised. It's not about what I think I can do. It's about what I'm willing to open up to doing in any given moment."
Words borrowed from : Inspired & Unstoppable
I was brave today and went out into the unknown. I was partly working on someone else's behalf but part of it was about me. I did it - I really really did it! I'm not sure selling (especially myself) will ever be my favorite part but I hope it will become more comfortable. I was "willing" to open myself up in the given moment. Awesome Nancy !!!!!!!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Baby Goose...
Near my house is a pond that sits to close to the road. As I was headed down the highway this morning, most of a flock of geese had crossed the ramp except one baby goose and its parent. The adult goose was screaming and flapping it's wings because one of the babies had been hit by a car. I had to stop! I got out and picked up the limp body and placed it ever so gently out of harms way and hoped that mom or daddy goose would find some comfort in the rescue. I don't think the little one will make it but at least they can grieve in safety. I just cried feeling so helpless to do anything else for the wee one. But I have to believe the Universe will provide what the geese need and the rest will remain safe.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Setting Sun...
I love the setting sun and how it symbolizes the ending of another day. It makes me reflects on how well I loved and how well I lived this day. As I sleep, I find peace that "all is well" and sweet dreams transcends me to a new dawn.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Somedays get heavy and full of responsibility. When I have a day like that I need to go outside and be a kid again and blow some bubbles! It's a good reminder to lighten up and not take life to seriously!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Up Close and Personal...
I've made it a habit when checking out at a store to notice the persons name. Then as I'm leaving I say thank you (and say their name). They always glance up at me and a smile spreads across their face. It's a nice gesture to offer the many people we encounter each day. It adds that personal touch and it's just a small simple thing that acknowledges their presences and the job their doing.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
"Standing in our power isn't about how wonderful we are, as much as it's about how willing we are. We are willing to give what we have. We are willing to let our own sad opinion of ourselves grumbles in the background, but not stop us from standing in the foreground or standing on the new ground of sharing our true selves."
Words from book: Inspired & Unstoppable
For me it goes back to that "being vulnerable thing." I have to gather courage to KNOW that I will be okay if exposed. And to want it more then not, because not exposing myself keeps me stuck! I'm willing to take small steps, like writing on this blog everyday. That is bold for me and the longer I do it the more comfortable I'm becoming. Then I'll take another step then another...
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