Monday, September 30, 2013


"Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf. It's ordinary to love the beautiful, but it's beautiful to love the ordinary."

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Next one...

"Life is all about just putting one foot in front of the other and taking that step. That step is what it's all about it. The NEXT one."

Just what I needed to remember today ~ only see the next step in front of me and not the next three or next 10... only "The NEXT one!"

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Isn't nature beautiful?

Friday, September 27, 2013


I love finding another positive resource to focus my attention on. There is so much good happening in the world. Just like seeing the glass half full or half empty ~ it's all what you focus on!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Favorite...

AHHHHHH... It's my favorite time of year again ~ FALL! 

I saw yesterday on an idea called the "Fall Bucket list" ~ how cool it that!  I do love making "lists", so why not make one for one of my favorite things ~ . So here it is, and as any list, to be continued...

Nancy's Fall Bucket List
Collect leaves
Take more hikes
Make warm soups
Make/Bake all things pumpkin
Wrap myself in a handmade shaw 
Open all the windows and invite Fall in
Pick out a pumpkin... 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


"Some see a weed, some see a wish."

Isn't is amazing how something stays the same but when you change your perspective it can looks so different!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


"Strength doesn't come from what you can do~
It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't."

Today I'm struggling ~ with strength...

Tell Yourself...

Everything will work out.
Things will get better.
You are important.
You are worthy of great things.
You are lovable.
The time is now.
This too, shall pass.
You can be who you really are.
The best is yet to come.
You are strong.
 You can do this.

We believe what we tell ourselves.
by: Doe Zantamata

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I've told a couple people lately that my life if boring... and I like it that way. Life "before" was so filled with chaos and insanity that now I really really like my slow, boring, hum drum life. It's filled with peacefulness, friends who are genuine and full to over flowing with love. Now that's a life I'll take anytime.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A "ME" list...

I have been thinking lately about "the little things in life" and how they contribute to my life as a whole. So I came up with an idea to start a list of those little things just for ME! It helps to actually see a list when I just need that extra reminder to treat myself in the present moment with a little more tender loving care.

A starting list

soothing bath
a warm cup of tea
a walk among the trees
enjoying more time to read
dark chocolate covered cashews

 to be continued...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Being Kind to Yourself...

Feeling sick again, got me to pondering about when I'm feeling "not up to par" how I treat myself. Years ago when I had major surgery, people were surprised at how soon I was up and doing things, under the circumstances. Looking back, it was so much about how I loved myself. And now I can at least allow myself down time and let myself off the hook for accomplishing some things. It is still something I struggle with but it's nice to look back and see progress.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Up Stream...

Today I'm feeling like a salmon swimming up stream. I'm struggling, struggling, struggling and ending right back up at the bottom. I'm learning to be aware when I feel this way and try and do the opposite, which for me would be to surrender to what is. I just feel tired and worn out and have no more answers to anything then I did before. Maybe the answer is to simply surrender and let go.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


For some reason I'm feeling like I need to start a new collage. It just feel like I need to finish out my year with a new perspective. Why wait until the new year for a new vision? I've always loved collaging. I remember one time I was collaging and two of my children really liked the idea and started participating with me and we all sat at my big dinning room table and just cut pictures and words for hours and created a really fun memory!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Show Me How Big Your Brave is"...

Sara Bareilles ~ BRAVE

I saw this video on TV today and I liked it, so I thought I would share...ENJOY : )

Monday, September 16, 2013


Every since I was little I've loved to dance. Over the years I would just dance in my room for hours. I haven't danced in a long time and right now I feel like forgetting the world and turning some music on and just dance!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dignity and Destiny...

"If it's meant for you, you won't have to beg for it. You will never have to sacrifice you dignity for your destiny."
Chelsis Porter

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Forest...

For awhile now I've been trying to listen when I get a feeling that won't stop. All this week I've had this urge and silent persistence to go out into the forest and just "be" with it. Everyday I've let other things keep me from listening. So today I went. I can't say I know why, or that I came back with a revelation of sorts but I did listen and somehow that feels right. The forest has always been my "go to" when I need to know "all is well" and I'm right where I need to be in my life.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

It's the little things...

I do love my homemade granola. I've been out for more then a week and I don't know what to do in the morning. I'm not a heavy breakfast food eater, I just like a little crunchy cereal to start my day. I make my own because I can control what I put in it and how much sugar there is. It is cooking right now and it smells so good. I always have a small bowl right out of the oven. Can't wait till tomorrow!! It's the little present moments that add up to one big wonderful life...

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Courage and Fear...

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
Nelson Mandela

When I saw this picture, it made me think of courage and fear. When darkness (fear) of the storm collides with the beauty (courage) of the sun, you get a brilliant rainbow! As when I am brave and can triumph over my fears, I feel as awesome as that rainbow looks. It is not something I will wake up one day and be done with, each fear must be conquered. But I know I do not walk this path alone. We all must face what we fear or be consumed by it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Side of the road...

When I pulled up to a stop light today, there was a man standing there with a sign that he was homeless and needed money. My thought has always been to give him some without judgement. Does it really matter what he choose to use it for. But as I gave him the money I thought later - he is someone's son, maybe someone's father, he's a man with a story, a past and hopefully a future. I left him with loving thoughts to make the choices that are right for his life.

Monday, September 9, 2013


For awhile now when my oldest son comes up to eat and hang out we have been playing more games. It's always so much fun and who knew something as simple as a card game could bring so much laughter and connection. I'm a still a fan of TV, computers, video games, but there is something about the simplicity of games that offers a different kind of fun. Looking forward to remembering back in years and having these special "present moments" with all three of my beautiful children.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


"I decided that the most subversive revolutionary thing I could do was to show up for my life and not be ashamed."
Anne Lamontt

The word "ashamed" is the hard one for me. It takes forgiving myself over and over again until it finally takes hold and I let it go and I don't pick it back up for whatever it is I'm feeling ashamed about. And when I stay in the present moment  I find it much easier to show up for my life without judgement of myself ~ because the present moment only holds the present!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


"At the center of you being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want."
Lao Pzu

Friday, September 6, 2013


"They" say, when something happens to you the only thing you can control is how you respond to the situation. So after getting fired ( for the first time in my life), I allowed myself to feel sorry and depressed but then I woke this morning and said, self "he doesn't deserve anymore of your time and I'm taking my power back." I'm moving on!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pardon Me...

Pardon me while I have a "pity party" for one, for the rest of the day. I have a lot of different issues on my mind and another came today. Have to say none of them have been shockers, but none the less still things looming over me that have potential to become something or not - that's the hard part. I know tomorrow I will be better but for today I'll allow myself a little time to feel sorry for myself and a little wishing I had the comfort of someone close to lean on.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Simply Grateful...

Oh... I'm feeling SO much better today then the last couple of days and when I woke this morning I couldn't help but feel ~ simply ~ GRATEFUL! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished"
Lao Tzu

The reminder I needed today. I've been feeling sick and it always makes me feel anxious about all the things I'm not able to accomplish. I will remember there is time for everything I need to get done ~ I am grateful!

Monday, September 2, 2013


Today's day of rest was not planned, it was just necessary! My body woke up and needed the down time and I am grateful I did not HAVE to do anything so I could listen and allow my body what it desperately wanted. There are always a million and one things I have on my list but today they would just have to wait until tomorrow. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013


One of the greatest lessons I'm learning in life is to "not take it personally." Whatever the situation may be, it may sting in the moment but when you can let it go and realize it's more about the other person then about you then it's easier to "not take it personal." Now that doesn't mean I can't look at my own reflection and see things I can or could have done differently and learn from it, but when you don't take it personal you can be more objective and allow that moment to be, without judgement for either person.