Thursday, July 31, 2014


"Embrace the glorious mess that you are."
Elizabeth Gilbert

Feeling a bit overwhelmed today and trying to - "Embrace the glorious mess that I am."
But I'm trying to allow the feeling to flow freely ~ and love myself just a little extra!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


This is my view when I decided to take my yoga practice outside today. The only think missing is the sound track... birds chirping, the wind fluttering the leaves, cicadas singing and the sound of the morning silence. It was just so beautiful out I couldn't resist!

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Letter "K"...

When my kids were little they would watch Sesame Street and one of the sketches was,"brought to you by the letter - " and it would be a different letter each time. So when I saw this today it reminded me of the letter "K" and it got me to thinking about what things/words begin with the letter "K".


Sunday, July 27, 2014


Yesterday I finally got a chance to connect with friends I use to see weekly. It had been at least a month or two but it seemed like forever. It was nice to laugh and just sit in each others company. The evening was beautiful just like the time spent together with friends!

Friday, July 25, 2014


Last night as I was eating dinner there was a nice rain outside. Others in my area were getting a lot worse weather, but I decided to just put aside my book or phone ( that I usually have if I'm eating by myself) and savor the food that was in front of me and enjoying the beautiful present moment. It was lovely!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Not sure the picture related, but I LOVE tree's and it was to pretty to pass up!

I'm not sure what is going on with me this week and sometimes I don't need to find an explanation, but I have just felt like my body AND mind have been like "mush" this week. I kept hoping it would get better but it's Thursday and I'm still feeling like everything is off kilter. I push myself to do what I have to, but the spring in my step has not returned. I usually have a day or two of feeling a bit off but not usually a week. I'm trying to offer no resistance and listen to my mind, body and spirit, hopefully to gain insight and maybe feel the passing of this "funk."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Moment...

Today when I was at someone's house taking care of their pets, I paused for "a moment" and was visited by a skink and a hummingbird, then I noticed white lilies. I don't know if I've ever seen white ones before. Then I noticed the sun making a shadow, and it looked like a spider with a sac behind it, in its web ~ all from ~ a moment's pause!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


As a writer I just love when I'm reading something and I find a line or paragraph that I think speaks to me and I find delicious. I know that's a strange word to use but that what it feels like when it's "so good." A friend posted on a blog she writes and I found this one part that spoke to me and she said it so beautifully:

... you will have children that will challenge everything you thought you knew about parenting, and joyfully you will bend, and change and find the best way to parent ever. The struggles that come before, leave you open to this change, to the possibility of change, to embracing the change.

Well said my friend... so beautiful!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different..."
C.S. Lewis

It is funny when you live in the present moment, sometimes it feels like nothing is changing and then looking back your vision is clearer and you do see things different, even if it's only how you viewed it. Life doesn't stay stagnate, it is always moving. But there are times I have felt stuck while life swirls around me, then something comes along and jars me out of that place ~ even if it's only a change in perspective.

Friday, July 18, 2014


I had a few hours ( after I took time to sleep in) before I went to work today and I just caught up on all the little domestic things that needed to get done. The laundry, dishes ( dishwasher finally stopped working), sweeping, organizing etc. And I found myself as I consciously stayed in the present moment with each task, I was enjoying them! I've always loved doing all those "domestic" things and some I love and some I like but generally it's a part of the life I want. I want to be married, take care of my home and love my children and family and friends. Sounds simple? Just need the husband part and I'll be "all good."

Thursday, July 17, 2014

You've Got Mail...

As a child, my sister and mom found it funny because I loved checking the mail and I always got so excited when I found something for me. That hasn't changed, I still love going to the mailbox to see what's there. And when I was a child writing letters and sending cards was more of a common thing then it is now. So yesterday when I checked my mail I found this card addressed to me from a friend I've missed and haven't been able to see in quit awhile. It was special because it wasn't my birthday or a holiday, it was just a card to say "thinking about you", and wanting to know how my life is and catching me up on what's new in her life. It made my heart smile and brought back a sweet memory. Thank you dear friend... it was greatly appreciated!!! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


"When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?"
Thich Nhat Hanh

A good reminder to be present in each present moment... Offer yourself... offer your presence!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


My day was a challenge, but at the end of it, a friend reminded me "to breath." Just what I needed to end my day with. I tried hard to follow "Wherever you are, be all there." To not offer resistance and some present moments were successful and some where not. But I will just let the set sun on my troubles and "breath."

Monday, July 14, 2014

License Plates...

As I was headed down the road yesterday, I started noticing license plates. It reminded me of a time in my childhood when my sister and I would read license plates on our travels to go spend the summer with my dad's family in Florida. Then it made me smile thinking that each person or group of people must be going to visit someone or headed to a new or old familiar place to vacation, but wherever their going it's probable ( you hope) a place to connect with each other, and a place that will offer joy and lasting memories.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Art is something that comes from a place of inspiration and I was inspired by a friends art piece she posted on her blog Above you will see what I have done... I was happy with the way it turned out and it was really fun. When I sat down with the blank page, I didn't really have an idea, but then one idea turned into another and when I was finished "it was all good." Hope you find something to inspire you today : )

Friday, July 11, 2014


"Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul."
Alice Walker

Today I bought this plant for myself ( only $3.00!) to create beauty around me and restore my soul!
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers... So pretty!

Thursday, July 10, 2014


An unexpected visit from a friend I haven't seen in a while... made me feel normal again! Sometimes I don't realize how "un-normal" I had been feeling, until that feeling returns. It was so nice to have that familiar connection again. It felt like a boost to my system, that was in much need of nourishment.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


"Before we can truly understand anther person, we must walk a mile in their moccasins. Before we can walk in another persons moccasins, we must first take off our own."
Native American saying...

There are so many situations people are in that I have never experienced and each person has their own reaction to those experiences that may not have been mine. But this quote helps me remember I don't walk in their life, and it's not up to me to judge only to find and offer compassion as a human being that walks upon this planet as I do. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I came across this plant today growing in a field and it got me to thinking. A bird probable dropped a seed and an unusual plant grew in an unusual place. So I thought when we as people plant seeds of hope, love, kindness, generosity, or peace out in our world... you never know what or where something may grow from that seed.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


As I'm out and about in the world, I've notice a lot of people with headphones in their ears ( not just the young), whether in the grocery store or walking their dog. I'm the kind of person who likes quiet. I like the "sound of silence" it's such a beautiful noise. I do enjoy music or a book on tape but its not often that I listen to anything and especially when I'm out walking with nature or at the beach. The last thing I want, is what feels to me, like intrusive noise. Now I know people, like my daughter, who live and breath with music going, it speaks to her in ways that don't for me... to each their own!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Well... mother nature sure "surprised" me with a beautiful beautiful day. I opened all my windows and drank in all the coolness that was offered. It's July and a day like this is not something I ever expected but I am so grateful and full of JOY! Thank you mother nature for my surprise ~

Friday, July 4, 2014


Today I was fine until I saw a picture my niece posted of her being at the lake for the 4th of July. This overwhelming heavy sadness came over me. I missed a sense of family and extended family that use to be a group of friends that I don't get to see very much anymore. I felt such a great loss of connection and just felt kind of alone today even though I was surrounded by the world and my children ~ 
This Too Shall Pass...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


"the earth has music for those who listen."

That's one of the things I'm appreciating being outside so much is the ~ music. I love to listen to the birds sing and search for where they may be coming from, the leaves that jingle as the wind blows, the crunch under my shoes and the hum of the bee's as they search for nectar.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


In a big field I found all these really cool mushrooms. I don't think there unusual but I just thought they were all so pretty.