Thursday, November 15, 2012
Friday, November 9, 2012
Deep Questioning
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Time Change...
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
To Honor and Love...
To honor myself means ~ as I grow, I will not ignore or hide the parts of my soul and humanness that become more present in me and the world. To honor myself means that I make a commitment to keep the truth of who I am visible; that I will not let the truth of my being become invisible again. Or if it does, I will stay devoted to retrieving it!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Breathing Space...
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Huge Happiness...
Friday, October 26, 2012
Starting Over...
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Mean Girl...
Yes... that would be me! A mean girl - to myself. I have noticed when I self-talk to myself I am really not a nice person. I certainly would never say the things I say to myself when I forget something, misplaced something, make choices that in hindsight are not my shining moments, to anther person. But because it's me, myself and I, I think it's okay to not say encouraging and loving things to myself. With awareness comes change and right now I am not happy with the way I'm treating "me", so I am raising my consciousness and looking for change! It feels better already...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I have a friend from high school that calls me once or twice a year and one of the questions they always ask me is, " what have you done for fun ". Well if they called today I would tell them I've been playing in my kitchen all weekend. On Saturday I made GF/DF banana bread, homemade apple pie, fresh pesto from my garden, granola cereal, GF/DF choc. chip, and my own laundry detergent. Sunday I strained out all my herbal oils and tinctures that a dear friend and I are working together on. Somewhere in there I made our usual "biscuits for breakfast" for Saturday and "syrupy something for Sunday breakfast and a couple of dinners. Whew!!!
Oh - but it was fun!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Death in the present moment...
A dear friend passed away yesterday. He had been sick for quite awhile but that never makes the passing easier. My first thought was "oh I wish I would have..." but then I thought about all the times I'd been there for him, the time he and is wife opened their home for my son and I to live and the really nice lunch we had together not long ago. That is how I want to remember his presences in my life. I want to celebrate the good and find comfort in the moments that he circled planet earth.
You will me missed - Doug Boone.. thanks for lunch : )
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
It's Clear...
It became clear to me today after some quiet time and conversation with a friend yesterday that it's okay to not know. My journey from safe and "the known" is moving to the unknown and with awareness and shining a little light on it, it's not so scary. I put pressure on myself to think I should have all the answers because it will make me and those around me more comfortable . As fear was setting in, my reflex thought is to make it go away and/or fix it somehow. But today I am resting in the "present moment" with the unknown and will let it sit beside me and maybe one day soon we will become very good friends.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
New eyes...
Words I read in a book today (about descriptive writing) said "the problem with eyes is that we get used to having them.
Case in point: Genn built a big fort, taking up my whole living room and when I got up this morning she had taken it all done, but did I notice that? NO... my eyes had gotten use to my surrounding and I couldn't see what was right in front of me.
More words from the book: " the beholders eye, requires attention. If we look closely enough and stay in the moment long enough, we may be granted new eyes.
A good reminder for today - when in the present moment long enough - I see with new eyes!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
As I was walking into the Target Store today I noticed a few people walking out with big plastic bins. Now I think the bins serve great purposes but my first thought was " oh I have quite a few empty bins in my garage so that must mean I have less STUFF then I use too because they were all full at one time" and to me that is a good feeling. I am not a great collector or things but I do have "my stuff" that is taking up more room then it needs too. Like my HUGE pile of scrap material. It is taking up (and then some) a very big book shelf in my room. I have tapered it down ( I know it would be hard to believe if you saw it) and gotten myself to throw out piles - but the mountain remains. My goal is to make things out of the scraps but I hope that if there comes a point when I need to let go - I can. So in this present moment I am celebrating my empty bins and piles that I WAS able to throw out.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I made sweet pickles for the first time this week. It was SO much fun to take cucumbers from my garden and transform them. I love looking at them in the jars and because they are canned they will last until I need them, so when the cucumber season is over I will still have pickles to eat. My next attempt is to try dill pickles.
I'm the kind of person that needs a little help and support when I'm starting something new. After having done it, it seems really easy but not having ever experienced it, I felt intimidated. I am proud of myself for asking for help and it was really fun to do it with someone else. Even other things in life that aren't always intimidating it just is fun to do it with friends.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Others Stuff...
In the past couple of weeks as I've been writing down my gratitude for the day it gives me time to pause. When I look around my life and see all the things people have given me or I've acquired from someone I am left amazed. It's all a combination of others life's intertwined with mine. I love no matter where I look I can smile and remember the person who was attached to whatever it is and it's like a quilt that has been sewn together from random things - all mismatched and I LOVE it!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Mother Natures Resources...
A few years ago my mother because of health issues had to move from where she was living to a high rise for the elderly to be closer to my sister "just in case". When she moved she gave me three used trash cans that were containers to catch rain water ( I used them for rain water too). So this morning as my trash barrels were full from our generous rain the other night I watered my garden and plants around the yard. I love using mother natures resources!!! I also am ( with the help of a dear friend ) making a collection of herbs (some local some not) to use for my family. Nature has so much to offer... in this present moment I am grateful!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Thanks - Giving
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. It doesn't come with a lot of advertising and consumerism. It's a day to be mindful of all the things to be grateful for.
Most days I am very grateful for so many things but I've started ( again) writing them down. It's interesting to see the list. At the end of the day I can't help but say "WOW" at all the things in my life there are to be thankful for. It's different to actually see it in black and white then to just randomly think of them during the day. I just like the work "thanks - giving", gives much to ponder.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
A lesson...
I am working on being more of an observer in my world, to that which is happening around me. It helps me to be free of judgement for myself as well as others.
So the other day I observed in a situation that I was in how if you want something in life you must ASK! Doesn't always guarantee you will get it, but being wishy washy about the details leaves great interpretation for others. Then that leaves you to rethink your wants and find clarity and then your can ask again or if the opportunity is gone you have learned the lesson for future desires.
As I was thinking about why I'm not always exact about the details was because the doubt creeps in and my thought is not "YES, this is what I want", it is more like "That would be nice". Fear holds my clarity and it's for me to claim it back, state my wants and then let go of the outcome. Sounds so simple... And it can be - when I let it!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Think to much...
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Nature vs Hotel
Sunday, April 29, 2012
A yard transformed...
As I was working in my backyard today I felt the similarities...
My front yard is more neighbor friendly and has a slightly different look then my backyard. The grass is cut and trimmed, the trees are kept up, the flowers are in their proper place for viewing and it looks pretty much like everyone's else's. My backyard is more spontaneous and whimsical. It's an ongoing project that is added to and taken away as I feel and it is not visible for all to see. So as I was working I felt like the front yard was my physical outside body - one that is perceived slightly different than what is on my insides. My inside ( my heart and soul ) is a mix of surprise with a little trust and surrender. My yard is evolving and changing like I am. Anytime I need a little "pick me up - of spirit" I just need to step out into natures wonder and I remember...
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Another - good quote...
- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Wheel...
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A Good Quote...
"It is very easy to be tricked by the circumstances of the present moment. But, dear seeker, remember that everything changes! Life is an exercise not in adding, but in constantly letting go of what you know and who you think you are and to have the courage to become brand new. When we fixate on the past, we welcome it into our present moment, which keeps the past alive. When you give up the fight
THAT is when you'll take flight!"
- Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
See... it's never to late to accomplish-anything!!!
Man Who Learned to Read at 91, Writes a Book at 98
For 91 years, James Henry, a lifelong fisherman, did not know how to read and write and carried the shame of not being able to order from a menu.
It had been his life's ambition to read.
Now 98, the Connecticut captain has achieved that, and more, penning a memoir of short stories about his life at sea.
After nearly a year of tutoring, the captain from Mystic began writing stories by hand on a yellow legal pad.
From those short stories, the memoir "A Fisherman's Language" was born.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Helpful words...
Others words seem to express just what I need to hear sometimes and I find that is enough to allow words that are not mine to speak what my heart needs...
"Remain calm, all is within reach; all you have to do is show up everyday, stay true to your path and you will surely find the treasure you seek."
Jackson Kiddard
When we expose ourselves, when we show ourselves, when we let our true selves been seen, we set ourselves free. And we also set others free to be their true, authentic, broken yet perfect selves.
What we crave is connection, to be valued, to be cherished and to have the certainty that we are enough to be loved.
The truth of who we are and how we feel is available in any moment. And by telling that truth, we set ourselves free and begin to allow others to do so as well.
Life loves us and supports us. And when we accept that, we can let go and let Life live us, perfectly, wherever we are at.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
What I know for sure today...
Sunday, February 19, 2012
brick and mortar...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
A Sad Heart...
Thursday, February 2, 2012
It's never to late...
Working dreams won’t get you rich. But amazing things happen when you take risks.
In summer of ’98, I sold my drum kit for gas money and convinced my college roommate to drive me from Ithaca to San Diego. All I kept was a pack of Field Notes and my Beach Boys records. “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” was playing and it was at that moment that I decided to invest in myself. I had thirty bucks, a landline, and a ton of motivation.
I have never written a business plan, yet I have three businesses that I’ve been running for over a decade now. I can’t read a lick of sheet music, yet I’ve toured the world managing bands. You wouldn’t want me to adjust your camera’s F-stop, yet I’ve worked on three films and produced a web series.
I don’t know anything about book publishing, so naturally, I wrote and self-published a book.
I’ve never been overly great at drawing, but I’ve been an art director on projects for Zappos, MTV, and TOMS. I don’t drive a Ford, but I’m continually hired to help promote their vehicles.
I grew up attending public schools and battled with reading comprehension, yet now I’m invited to lecture at Ivy Leagues.
I don’t own cable television, but I’ve licensed music to Californication, Nip/Tuck, CSI, and Grey’s Anatomy. CSS, HTML, and Java mean nothing to me, yet I’m preparing to launch an iPhone app.
Life changes the minute you start doing what you love. And guess what—it’s never too late to get started.
Dave Brown lives in Brooklyn, NY. By day, he’s Etsy’s social media specialist and by night, a blogger, author, record label owner and creative consultant. Dave’s a huge fan of ice-hockey, chicken teriyaki, and the film Rushmore. Anyone interested in making this world more awesome is someone Dave likes to meet and collaborate with. He coined the motto, “Love your work. Work your love.”
Saturday, January 28, 2012
A Yearning to Write...
It started with a journal entry:
I pursued the only dream I ever wanted which was to marry and have children. Children had been my passion since I was a teen. During high school I worked in a social service owned day care (which I did not know at the time, but knowledge that would not have made a difference in my decision). These children where not your average “ my child needs a little playtime”, no these children came cold, hungry and in need of more then just interaction. I wrapped them in a blanket when their bodies were brought in blue, I bathed them in the bathroom sink when the need was great, stories were read, games brought laughter, food offered them nourishment and I loved them without judgment.
I graduated from high school and worked in the day care until I met my first husband at age 21 and we had a son. After our son was born it became very clear that this was not something my husband wanted. Looking back, I don't think he even knew a child was something he was not ready for. This is the moment in my life that brought the art of journaling to me. Most of my writing was frustration, confusion in my inability to figure out what felt so wrong. I filled pages and pages of journals, with no other answer but to end the marriage where my child was not welcome. I went back to school and recieved a Associate Degree in Graphic Arts. I knew I wanted something in the “Arts” and the counselors suggested I try Graphic Arts to be able to make a living – other wise I would be just another “starving” artist. Writing had not offered a nudge or spark of interest yet.
I later married again, all the while still writing what my heart felt, filling the empty space. These words brought a stirring, a growing interest and I started taking writing classes. Mostly in fiction but later tried my hand at non-fiction. I fell in love, and now have a desire for both fiction and non-fiction. Life gave me two more beautiful children and my interest for writing never wavered or lost it's desire to speak. But this marriage was also a learning experience. It taught me about myself and what I deserve and what I am worth, bringing this marriage to an end as well.
I have had many life experiences, all which contribute to the full and richness of my pursuit of writing. At this stage I am looking to reach farther then my own mind, to play big and allow others to see the possibilities, and I can only do that, if I allow myself to do the same. I am a student of life and will never stop learning and sharing what I feel will send ripples out into the world. My compassion is deep and my yearning great. Since I was a young child, I have been seeking and searching. Living amongst those around me, listening to their words, watching their actions, I always felt I was on the wrong page of the book that they were reading from. Finally finding the words that belong on my page, I want to honor that voice within. I have spent fifty-one years collecting data and now my goal is to use it for the greater good, and to keep expanding my view and exploring them from different angles.