Tuesday, December 28, 2010


There are many definitions of forgiveness and one of them I like a lot is:

"The true meaning of forgiveness is in allowing someone the space to find their way"

Having played the role of care taker to many people in my life it is hard for me to step back and let someone find their own way. Even though I don't try to control them or push my opinion on them but I do feel sometimes like if I don't keep letting them know I'm always there no matter what, that it means I don't care. It has been challenging for me to keep moving on with my life and not want to take the others with me. For them to see what I see in them and to pick themselves up and move on too. I know in my head that I can not do that for another. I can not give them self love and self worth but my heart thinks differently. And then there is a fine line between keeping the unconditional love for them alive but still moving on and giving them space. And who am I to think I am so powerful and have all the answers for someone else. I forget the most loving thing I can do for someone is to let them go and to find the path that is right for them, just as others have done for me.

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